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Anyone used Belgian Candy Sugar before? I'm about to be a first time user and I hear it's rather expensive table sugar.

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Thanks heaps for the good advice people. :)

Does anyone know where can I get quality Dark Belgian Candi Sugar in NZ?

If you don't have any luck, try the method for making it posted in the comments by Kent in this link.

Friends and I have had really good results making it. It relies on finding some ammonium carbonate or ammonium bicarbonate  (otherwise known as bakers ammonia), which provides extra nitrogen to create rich caramel flavours and deep colour. I've tried it with the ammonium carbonate and without, and the results are hugely different.

I found some through a laboratory source, but in theory a bakers' supply place should have it.  


I do know that Brewshop stock it. Give them a try.

Out of interest has anyone made a beer using Jaggery as a sugar source?

There is some lovely stuff at my local spice shop, soon as i tried it I thought it would make a good addition

Well there is of course 8wired's Batch 18. It's a really incredible beer, but the jaggery is just one of many complex things going on.

After trying it I was was sufficiently gobsmacked to end up brewing this stout with coconut palm sugar.   

Hmmm both nice looking beers Dougal - will add them to my ever growing list of beers to brew.  Seems I might have to stop work to brew at home full time to get through them all.  I'm sure Mrs C will give me 100% support.

For my Belgians I invert the sugar on the stove, and cook it to the color I want. Afterwards, I throw it back into the oven, pull it out and let it cool a bit.

I generally wait 3 days or so to add it to the fermenter, so that the yeast does not get lazy on me. So far I have had real good luck with this.


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