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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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The Coopers Real Ale kit that I made. God knows why I made this. I did spice it up a bit with Cascade in the boil, and used S-05. However,it is close to going into the sink.

Now that I have my gear back and put down a new AG recipe, I am looking forward to drinking something better. (Its gotta be better, right?)

Stoke Bomber KPA to see what Wai-iti taste like, still not sure I know .... Maybe my tastebuds are corrupt
Rennaisance tribute barley wine recently. Very nice barleywine, probably the best I've had. Gave a terrible hangover though.

I tried the Rennaisance Barley Wine the other night, I thought it was nice but had a lot of sherry flavours going on. Any idea how long it has been aged for before it was released? Have you tried the Twisted Hop Barley Wine Mr C? Now that is my favourite BW at the moment, damn fine. My own BW will be a year old in April, time for another sample soon I think!

Yes, I tried the Twisted Hop Red Zone Enigma a couple of weeks ago, very nice also.  I found the Rennaisance Tribute to be a little more edgy and interesting though, I wondered whether it was the different English yeast character that I liked.  Could have just been the mood I was in though.

I still have your bottle of BW from the Stuck Sparge brew day last year Jacko, haven't tried it yet.

Might just give it a whirl this weekend, thanks for the reminder
You've done well to hold onto that jt! Let me know how it tastes. I'm pleased to tell you that no stuck sparges since! Slight tweak to false bottom and hose and runs sweet.
Tried a new pale ale tonight called Black Dog something. It was quite nice but I have no idea what is was due to the generic "craft beer" label on the bottle. Anyone know what it might have been?

It's the new DB attempt to get the craft beer drinkers market back.... Being brewed in the old Temperence site in welly someone was telling me the other day?

An ex tuatara guy is the brewer I believe, but with the standard "Run by accountants and marketing departments" Style of brewing so beloved by DB.

Ah yes, I've heard about that.  Thanks.

Good to know it is DB. I now know another beer to avoid.

A damn fine english style bitter I brewed with NZ hops. Under 4% but plenty of body and malt flavour along with a good dose of hop flavour. I like it!


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