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Hi All,

I've found Reubens Blog v. useful ,and keen to go the electric route rather than gas bottle and ring burner. I'm still on the gas hob and 'er indoors don't want a brewery in the kitchen!

I've bought a 51L ss pot and will do 25L to 38L batches (two corny kegs). Any ideas on whats the budget way to get started down the electric route?

I'm thinking a 3kw element and then plug it into the wall.  My query is  what's the cheap way to control the heat output of the element? Is there some sort of variable resistor with a dial wired between the element and the wall? or is the way to go some sort of tempcontroller with sensor like with the fridge fermenter brewmate type thing?

All advise is appriciated

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Wife's favorite lampshade had a little modification.

With a 12V computer fan + 100mm 3 metre flexible ventilation duct there's a lot's of ventilation going on. I think that too much in fact when connected air tightly to the lid. I'll try 1st with a 100mm cap between the lid and the duct (all the steam went to the duct when testing with the cap). Still a little bit not so sure, anyone with a rule of thump how much ventilation is enough?

It seems that there's not too much interest on this topic, but here's my last word ;)

Made a patch with the new lid:

- The yield (boiled wort) was same as without the lid (see the picture below how much opening I had).

- No big difference in the efficiency, maybe a wee bit better boil with the same power setting, hard to tell without any measurements...

- Made my brewday noticeable quieter and almost all the nice aromas went outside :(

- About 2 cups water in the duct after the boil, I need to make some sort of vapor trap for that.

Vesku, this is awesome stuff to see. You have given me some interesting ideas. Having said this, there is no way I can do what you have done as I am not so handy with anything other than a computer.

If you run a copper tube straight up and made a little dip in it like one sees on the drain of sinks, maybe the water will collect in the bottom of that tube. (Could have a hole there with a bucket or drain hose to the sink.) From there, attach the flexible hosing. Is this what you mean by making a water trap?

Made a little stand for it. And ditched the induction heating for the HERMS (just to see the difference), + added 2nd controller for better control and faster steps of the mash temperature.

Have fun.

The bastard was leaking ;) Thanks to the cheap Bunnings (Sunday) olives.


That is awesome. I am afraid that my wife would have kittens if I wheeled that contraption into the kitchen!

It need's > 20A in theory, I've been running it in under one 20A loop from 2 different outlets. Our house has new wiring and even my under rated appliance leads aren't heating up... But don't try this at home. I just made a longer lead to use the HERMS from another loop just to be safe.

Just ruined my 1st batch with it, over heated the mash, because a mash temp sensor failed and I was listening Ramones...

At least the counter flow chiller is working just about perfect 81.3C in 18.9C out and in fast pace:

I'm making a few of these counterflow chillers from leftovers, see TM in near future...

Not really on the topic at all, but this is what my wort looks like:

HERMS doing a quite nice job? It's a Pilsner...


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