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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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45? It's the flash model, counts down all the way from 60 ;-)

I like sauvin at 60 minutes. Takes the edge off it and gives a nice depth of flavour that doesn't always come through when used later (or maybe just gets overpowered by the aromatics)

Won't you need to set it to 45min to get from 60 down to 15 and then 5, 5, 5 .  That's what I do. 

I think there's something wrong with that timer though jt.  It's been on 4 1/2 min for the last hour.

Well to be honest, I haven't really used it othe than to annoy the family :-))))

But that doesn't fix todays problem. Recioe lists 5 hops additions and I only had 4 weighed out.
Only realised at the 5 min addition.
Won't be quite what I thought, but that's ok, just gives me a little difference to contemplate

1tsp Koppafloc @15 is way too much.  1g is all you need.


Nice looking summer drinker though.

Just brewed a Ships Ale

4 kg Pale Malt

500g ish of Melandion Malt

1 1/2 small handfuls of Choc Malt

30 ish g Cascade @ 60

10 ish g Cascade @ 15

5 ish g Cascade @ 0 min

system used was a maxi Biab, type thing, only a 19 lt stockpot on board, mashed in at 65c ish, 13 lts, and held that temp wrapped in towels and clingfilm for 60 mins, only a infared thermometer onboard so temps were rough. sparged and soaked grain bag and squeezed and soaked and kneeded till 17lts to boil, the rest was normal, now in a ice bath cooling so I can pitch 04 @ 22c ish. Will be stoked if it comes out nice, 4 mths at sea not brewing on a dry ship was gonna be the death of me, so heres to SHIPS ISH ALE.


I use Whirlfloc, just one tablet so nice and easy

Just kegged and bottled last weeks batches of beer.  Ordinary bitter and ESB for Limbo competition - bit late but meh...  Also kegged my first English Stout, my first Oatmeal Stout and 3 kegs of Blonde at a whopping 6.2% and hopped the bejesus out of with Nelson Sauvin and Amarillo.  Different yeast in each one so I can get some.  Chiller is taking some time to drop in temp now its loaded up haha.  

Nice mornings work, now to go refit the rest of the kegs... and a cold something or other...

Just put down my first proper All Grain batch today...after having done BIAB for a few goes after extract and kits for a number of years. So first use of my new set up too. Very simple; Plastic fermenter HLT, Chilly Bin Mash Tun and Stovetop boil in pot. Only did a 10Lt batch to test the set up.

All went really well, apart from it taking a bit longer than I would like getting used to the gear and fly sparging etc...also havent got my IC yet so chilling in the Bath added about an hour to the brew day...oh well all was very fun indeed.

Recipe (from AHB website) - Dr Smurtos Golden Ale;

10Lt batch

1.25kg Pilsner Malt

0.5kg Wheat

0.5kg Munich I

0.1kg Caramunich I

8g Amarillo @ 60m

12g Amarillo @ 10m

15g Amarillo @ 5m

US-05 @ 18degC

First time fermenting in my new fermtation fridge too now my STC-1000 is up and running...

Cant wait till its time to bottle and then to drink...hope it all works out!

Felt nostalgic today. So, I made a Cooper's Real Ale tin. Hopefully it is drinkable. As a picky all grain brewer, I think I will end up tipping this. Nevertheless, I did run a boil with LME, and boiled 1oz of cascade hops for 15 minutes, and added another 1oz at 0 minutes.

To have this like a true kit brew, I did not do any mash though. Obviously, I will be adding US-04 instead of the Cooper's yeast.

During this process, I found that my newly acquired fermenter does not fit into my chamber. It looks like I will be sticking with better bottles and glass carboys for the foreseeable future.

He hehe, it's not too late, pull a few litres from the fermenter and ferment with the Coopers yeast, save for Chris, he'll think its, umm, errrr, well, special?

I could save it up and share it at the next North Welly brewers get together. ;)



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