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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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We do mate - only just!

Phew - good man. I timed it well then. Cheers fella!!!

Last brew of the year for me, a Schwarzbier for summer and building the yeast cake up for a Baltic Porter in the New Year.

55.8% Munich

31.9% Pils

4% Pale Choc

3.4% Roast Barley

3.2% Pale Crystal

1.8% Carafa Special 2

P Jade for bittering, 26 IBU

Pacifica at 20mins, 6.6 IBU

15g Pacifica at 2 mins to go

1.055, 33 IBU, 5.4% 3 Packs of 34/70

Despite the weather I'm going to brew today (I brew outside under an awning). Sparge water is heating up as I type. It's kind of exciting too 'cos I'm doing my first ever non BIAB batch!

The Czar's Revenge - From Brewing Classic Styles


Russian Imperial Stout

OG: 1.098


IBU: 64



83% Golden Promise Malt

6% Black Roasted Barley

4% Special B - Caramel malt

2% Caramunich® TYPE III

2% Chocolate Malt

2% Pale Chocolate Malt


36.0 g Horizon 60min

60.0 g East Kent Goldings 10min

60.0 g East Kent Goldings Flameout


Ferment out with large 4th gen 1272


Brewers Coop didn’t have any horizon, so I’m going to go through my hop collection and find something to sub in for bittering. 

The recipe actually calls for less base malt, but I've bumped it up cos I know at this gravity I'm not going to have very good efficiency.

Turns out using a traditional mashtun/HLT situations is SHITLOADS more fiddly than BIAB. It's going to take quite a few brews for me to get everything calibrated and moving smoothly I reckon. 

Still, I liked how the mash temp stayed super solid throughout.

Mash Tun + batch sparge is not much more fiddly than BIAB and I get around 75% with just a single batch sparge...

Brewing a Manuka Honey Tripel today on the ePicobrewery. Weyermann Premium Pilsener malt with sucrose and Manuka honey as adjunct and a proprietary hop variety (99-41-40) from NZ Hops. Lovely combination of light oak, lemon spice, watercress and fresh berries on the rub. Fermenting with 1388. Aiming to ferment at 24 C or higher if I can, though no temp control :( Fingers crossed!

Evening all and happy Christmas.

I'd like a little assistance with a recipe - I'm aiming for an extra stout style and I want to use up some of my excess yeast and hops - 2 sachets of US-05 and 100g of East Kent Goldings.

My recipe is for a 35L batch is:

7.5KG Malteurop Pilsner Malt

0.6KG Medium Crystal Malt

0.3KG Chocolate Malt

0.3KG Black Malt

0.3KG Roasted Barley

Mash for 90 mins at 66'C

90 minute boil

65g East Kent Goldings (4.5%) at 60 mins

25g NZ Cascade (9.1%) at 60 mins

35g East Kent Goldings (4.5%) at 30 mins

36 IBU

2 sachets of US 05 dry yeast

My questions are:

Do the darker malts need to be ground?

Do the ratios seem all right?

Should I be adding oatmeal (or Weetbix) for extra body?


A belated Merry Christmas to all! I hope Santa was generous to all of you - he was to me.

Anyway, brewing today. I was pleased with the effect of some oats in my low-gravity Belgian oatmeal stout, so I thought I'd give it a go in an ordinary bitter. So, we have...

Oatboy - English ordinary bitter with oats

80% Maris Otter

10% Munich

5% Crystal 120

5% toasted rolled oats

Mashed at 69 degrees

15g Target @ 60

15g Target @ 15

30g Target @ 0, whirlpooled hot for 10 mins

Yeast will be a brand new smackpack of Wyeast 1469 West Yorkshire Ale

Aiming for 1.038 and 30 IBUs

All going good so far.

Finally have enough volume of yeast from my Chimay bottle dregs to make a brew...  Which one to make though...  Difficult times until I have a fridge full of belgian yeast to play with!

Hi All,

I'm not sure if this is the right discussion since I started the brew over a month ago. No "what did you brew". Anyway just thought i'd share the love because I'm just buzzed about the result!

i brewed a german pilsner, grain and hops supplied by Liberty. Jo gave us the receipe + ingredience

 i did the BIAB, weyermann pilsner malt , mashed at 68 and 67 degrees and added southern cross boiled for an hour and added motueka hops at 20min and 5min, fermented with us5 yeast, pitched at 21 dropped to 18 then 16 then 15.7 at 18 hours. It went like the clappers so i think next time i'd pitch at a lower temp and sit on 15 deg maybe. I think just before kegging i raised it to 21 to try and attenuate it then crash chilled before kegging. anyway stoked with the result- no kit homebrew type flavours- like it tastes alright! Very drinkable, next project the grain mill. Go the Homebrew!!!


First brew in a while for me today trying out my new kettle and immersion chiller.  All went well apart from being a little frantic at times while learning the ropes with the new equipment. 


OG 1.050

IBU 30ish


4kg UK Pale

250g Carapils

250g Carahell

100g Cara


16g Super Alpha @ 60min

10g each of Amarillo, US Cascade & Riwaka @ 10min

30g each of Amarillo, US Cascade & Riwaka @ 0min

Dry hopped 8 days with 20g each of Amarillo & US Cascade

Dry hopped 4 days with 20g each of Amarillo & US Cascade

Yeast: US05


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