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How about 2nd or 9th of Aug? a Saturday afternoon. Lets get a total number so I can call up and schedule. Ive got at least 3 other mates (not on this forum) that are keen. I'll also find out if they have manageable limit. Can someone suggest a transport option to & from?
Looking forward...

Ammended: *Be there at 1:30pm on Sat. 9 Aug.*

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9th suits me best but I can make myself available for the 2nd if necessary.

Transport? Perhaps one of the $5 shuttle companies would be able to sort us out?
9th works for for me, cheers Nathan
Yep, 9th is good for me too.

What part of town is everyone in? I'm on the East Side (Wainoni), I'd suggest getting there isn't the problem, but finding your way home after will be a mission.... (hahaha)
They can fit up to 30, so should be no problem to bring more friends. Looks like we've got 12 guys attending for now. (@ $20 per)
Be there at 1:30pm on Sat. 9 Aug.
We'll sort out transportation on this forum during the next couple weeks. Maybe designate a driver to hire a passenger van & pickup/dropoff everybody for an extra 6-8bucks?
...because remember... it's ALL YOU CAN DRINK!
I'll come, see if I can't get anyone else too. Had an awesome time there last time - from what I rembember! I'm in Upper Riccarton, so not too far, though I'd rather get a bus/taxi back. :)
From experience, it's a brilliant afternoon!
**We can get an 11-seater van for $105.
Please specify if you're willing to pay $10 towards getting picked up and dropped off.
Would need to fill it with the numbers and book right away.

Then need to confirm a driver?
$10 for the bus is cool with me!

Should we arrange a central meeting point for collection?

Cheers for organising this DelMonte!
Looks like I'm going to get a ride there, as family things in the morning will cut it pretty close to the starting time.
No-go for the rental so...

I'll be on the #5 (towards Hornby Mall) bus that leaves the Exchange at 12:51. Expected to arrive at Curletts and Blenheim rds at 1:08. We can walk from there to 34 Sonter, Wigram.
Reverse on the way home.

Let's find each other then.
Happy days!
It was great to meet some of you yesterday, and look forward to the next one, or at least a get together / bottle swap.

Well I had a fantastic time @ Wigram brewery, they are down to earth straight shooters willing to share information with people who "get" beer. The sampling was great, advice was decent and the offers to show the process from start to finish when they do a brew was just excellent.

It's a winner for some supplies such as crushed grains, hops and even yeast!

Sounds like some of you went on for a big one, especially given I got a phone call from a rather happy sounding chap later that night...


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