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Thought it might be handy to have a thread for some of the more advanced brewers to give some advice on recipes.

Let's see how it goes eh...

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this might help lead you in the right direction Paul... http://yeastieboys.posterous.com/private/yCmgJxeHrs


Most people probably know that Digital is a tweak of the winter tap release Motueka Warrior. It has had the malt bumped up a bit to cushion the NZ hops and we've moved the hop schedule around a bit. What people might finid interesting about this is that - although we were going for quite similar beers - Motueka Warrior used just under 10g/L all up, while Yakima Warrior used almost 18g/L.


Thanks for sharing the recipe, drinking some now, num nums.


Just wondering, on that recipe you posted for the g/L values - are those litres measure pre-boil, post-boil or volume into fermentor?



Where did you AK dudes buy said beer? My local Liquor King doesn't sell it (though it has PKB).

Off the top of my head...


Village Winery

Liquorland Newmarket

Liquorland Forrest Hills

Liquorland Parnell has it as well

Volume in the fermenter... good question, I'll add a note to the recipe.


Cheers Stu M.


Stu H, I got mine from beerstore.co.nz

I brewed my 1033 version yesterday, 85% GP 15% caramalt, same hopping as Stu listed.
That was one helluva big addition at power off
Pitched an '05 sachet that was stamped as 11/2011. I'd been worried about using it, or wondering id I should use more than 1, but it seems to be waking up and doing the job

Cheers, jt

How many grams was it at power off? 140g? 

164 Mr Cherry.
88 mot and 38 each cascade and sauvin

Still pleased with the aged '05, doing well and I may squeak in a brown next weekend with another pack.

Remind me to pop in when this one is ready...

Wowsas is that a new record for flame out additions at Mr T's brewery?


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