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Hi All
(Hopefully I didn't miss a thread here, I searched first!)
Just wanted to see if anyone has rhizomes available this year? I hear there is a shortage, however if there are any suppliers anyone knows of I would be keen to given them a go!

Maybe we can get a list of suppliers going? I see in the old forum that Stephen @ Hallertau may have been one of them, any ideas?


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Could I put my hand up for some Danscade too! Could trade for a Sticklebract:)

Yep sweet hop trades would be cool these are potted plants grown from cuttings last year so should take if you get them in the ground shortly I have 4 danscades total and a lot of the others

maybe just flick me an email - banksbrewinghardware@gmail.com




Hey Nate, if you get some off Chris, can I grab a bit off the cutting you get?

Hi Chris.

I planted some smoothcone last year and it was rampant by mid-March, collected a KG of dried flowers and used some in an APA. However my better half threw the rest out as it was "tainting the ice cream".


I'd be really keen to swap you some of the APA for a piece of Danscade root stock or a cutting.I'm in Wellington as well so happy to drive to you.





any chance of chucking a plant in with my recirc plate? i have some random variety i have no idea what it is, im gonna rig up the biggest mutha of of a bamboo thing i can make to grow them this year

any help appreciated

I've got some Sticklebract and Smoothcone here. Grown from cuttings that got to about 1.5 metres last year. Just starting to come away again so a good size for transporting.


BTW, I promised one of the Sticklebract to someone here (@JoKing?) but have lost track of who it was.

I'm keen for some rhizomes if anyone has any spare going? Want to grow it all over my deck ala Hallertau

edit: Just got me some of these: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Outdoor-garden-conservatory/Pl...

How are everybody's hops doing?  My Smoothcone is about 2 foot now and growing 2cm a day.  The German has popped it's head above the parapet a couple of weeks ago but seems to have stopped for a rest and made no progress.

All mine are in big pots too (I need to buy some land.  This is proving to be a very expensive hobby ...).

By the way, does anybody have a Danscade/Cascade cutting available?  I can offer it a good home surrounded by friends.

Hi guys. I got some 'Danscade' from Chris about 3 weeks ago and over the last week I have had 2 dominant shoots both at about 750mm. I hope to get 2 more shoots.


I grew Smoothcone from root-stock last year, one lot in the ground and one in a large half-barrel planter. The planter provided less than half the hops of the ground hop plant.

My smoothcone is about 2 foot as well. Also in a pot.


Where abouts are you Cascade? Someone local to you is likely to be able to supply a cutting. Plenty of info on the webs about growning hops from plant cuttings... so you would not even have to dig up a rhizome.


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