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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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I've got a GC clone conditioning, pitched in primary with Roeselare mix and oak. It seems slow to sour, samples are quite subdued at the moment. I've got an agonising wait of a year or so before it's ready it would appear
Yeah, mine seemed to start getting the right flavours around 6 - 8 months and seemed to be pretty stable after about a year when I bottled.
Now that would be fun! Hobbit Toe is a non dry-hopped ode to Sierra Nevada Bigfoot. That and my nickname is Frodo. Oh yeah, and I macerated the grains with bare feet... ;)
I'm anticipating about 12 months for this baby as well. Stopwatch timer set!

Not really brewing but a batch of homegrown beetroot chutney followed up by some housework and cleaning up around the yard and gave the bbq a birthday.... at least it built up a bit of a thirst ?

Beetroot from the garden?
Mine refuse to grow past two leaves and a matchstick thin root

Yeah straight outa the garden about 500 - 600gms ea

I kind of realised the recipe meant four large beetroot not four of my horse beetroots

when I saw the recipe makes about 5.5 cups total and I had 4 litres in the pot....

The proportions in the recipe are now a bit out of whack - but time will tell if its any good.


I'm jealous. What did you feed them ?
Poos & Seaweed !.....
I'm putting some seaweed and chicken shit through the compost now, but that will take sometime until it makes it into the garden !
Bottle conditioning. Belgian pale ale (5.5%, 7 grains, 40 ibu).

Ready to bottle. Belgian blonde ale (7%).

Just in: Bohemian pils. (OG 1.056), first all grain lager, worried about temp but sitting at 10c and bubbling nicely after 24 hrs.

Yum.  Reading this makes me want to brew something Belgian.  


10C for the lager sounds about right to me.  Nothing to worry about there.

What was the recipe?



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