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I thought I had styrian when I went to brew this, and then found out it was fuggles... and so subbed the fugs for the styrians. My OG was lower than I was aiming for too and so I topped up a little with dry extract. I dare say I will need to do a rebrew and get it right sometime soon!!
Every time I have done a brew with the Marris Otter malt I have been way under what I was aiming for with gravity. I thought I had compensated this time but it was even lower than what I expect. I am finding it a lot easier to use the Gladfields pale!!
Hey Nate, I am more keen to go with a slightly modified version of what Stu has posted below this which is the actual recipe. I can chuck you through the BS file again if you like?
I dont have pale choc or black malt, and will need some more munich II and Nelson Sauvin hops... so I need to organise some ingredients too.
You could try something like this...
Anticipated OG: 1.038
Anticipated SRM: 33.3
Anticipated IBU: 30.0
Wort Boil Time: 60
% Name
46.5 Golden Promise
34.9 Munich II
11.6 Crystal 90
4.6 Pale Chocolate Malt
2.4 Black Patent Malt
Amount Name Boil Time
x.x g/l Nelson Sauvin 60 min. (enough to hit desired IBU)
1.8 g/l Nelson Sauvin 0 min.
1.8 g/l NZ Styrian Goldings 0 min.
1.8 g/l NZ Cascade 0 min.
0.8 g/l NZ Styrian Goldings Dry hop (for 3 days from end of krausen)
Wyeast 1968, pitch at 18c and let rise to 20c
Mash Schedule
Mash Type: Single Step @ 69c
Although in my homebrewery I could add more hops without bumping up the OG, which I can't do commercially because we get IBU's at 0min additions. Home brewery begins chilling immediately while commercially the wort sits just under 100c for 10-15min. If I was to do that beer again I'd probably add 50% more crystal... maybe more... and cut back on the pale malt. I'd like just a little more hop and body. Maybe up the colour a bit too... it can look almost amber in narrow glasses.
The european ale yeast would work splendidly too... probably better than 1968 if you want it really hoppy.
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