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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Reckon you can go lower temperature with the Notts Mr Cherry, it'll still go like stink.

I don't know what you think of brown, but you could've upped that considerably too
Reckon we can get you down below 3% sometime too

Cheers, jt

I happy to go to 3% as long as the body is good.  I just need to get the crystal malt amounts sorted.


As far as the Brown malt goes, I just wanted to get a little English malt character going on.  If I brewed this all grain I would have used MO as the base malt but I opted for DME and a handfull of brown instead.  We'll see.

Well if the body's a bit lacking you just carb it up a bit more and call it an NZ Draught!
Add a shitload of hops and create the northern Hutt Draught substyle
Unfortunately half way through the boil there has been a major water pipe burst in my area of Wellington. So it looks like I'll be forced to no chill. Would it be fine to leave the wort in the boil kettle or would it be better to transfer to a plastic jerry can? Should I add my 0 min hops a bit later too? Cheers

Well. With a Jerry Can, you may find that you will have higher levels of DMS. I would also be concerned about off flavours from the plastic, or BFTE. I know people in Australia swear by this method though! It may be worth giving it a go since I would think you would be less likely to get an infection if it is sterilized.  


Regardless of your decision, I would hold off on the 0minute addition. Before I had a better method of cooling in Miami, the high temps of the water made it so slow to cool my wort, that the late additions ended up causing more bitterness.


It is a shame you do not have pre-boiled water that is frozen, or some dry ice around. :(

I've decided to just chuck the lid on the boil kettle and as soon as we have water again I'll sterilise my wort chiller and crank it up. My 0 min hops went in so yea bitterness might be higher than expected. I plan to dry hop too so I should still get some aroma.

Just took a gravity reading on this beer and it's finished up at 1.011 (down from 1.033) which puts the ABV at 2.9%.  Sample tastes pretty good, looking forward a pint this weekend.

That's very similar to my beers with Windsor Mr Cherry, how are the hops coping with that FG?
No noticeable hops in the hydro sample but I wasn't really expecting any. I try not to assess a beer too much based on samples from the fermenter. It always ends up being completely different by the time pour that first pint any way.

Ive got my mash going as i type, on my first all grain. Sitting at 69.5 degrees. I was going for 68... hopefully be all good

What style of beer?  Is it the APA you mentioned previously?  

69.5C is pretty high so It'll have huge body & mouthfeel.

Oh really. Is that gonna be a bad thing?


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