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Ive realized in two years of brewing ive only ever made one American IPA. So, brewing this tomorrow. Very much looking forward to this one.

1.065 OG
1.012 FG
7.2% abv
68 IBU


91% Golden Promise
4% Carapils
2.5% Caramalt
2.5% Dark Caramalt

8g Warrior @ 90
15g Columbus @ 45
22g Cascade @ 30
25g Citra @ 15
25g Amarillo @ 10
10g Columbus @ 5
30g Citra @ 0
30g Amarillo @ 0
110g Dry hop with Citra, Amarillo, Cascade, Centennial



MMMmmm that sounds nice Matt... where'd ya score the citra?
Citra was from Craftbrewer. Ive read good things, and not being able to track down any Simcoe it sounded like a good replacement. The bag smells incredible

It is a pretty good hop. It can easily overpower your other hop additions though. (Kind of how Sauvin can do the same.)

This weekend,748 - Mot Brown, an attempt to a) recreate a favourite extract & grains recipe and b) use up my dark caramalt and dark crystal

The original recipe started life in January 2006 as an attempt to brew a Sassy red. It fell far short and just wasn't a good beer at all.
It's gone through quite a few tweaks since then and is still nothing like Sassy Red, nor intended to be now.

83% malteurop
7.5% Dark Caramalt
6.5% Dark Crystal
3% Pale Chocolate

I'm a little heavier on the crystal that the extract & grains recipe, also missing some wheat.
The extract original was with W1968 and the all grain attempts to date with '05 have fallen short of expectations. It's Windsor this time which should be nearer.

Sauvin at 60 and then Mot at 20 10 & 1

The gravity's also on the lighter side than I used to brew, this weighs in at 1033 and 28IBU

Looks nice jt but it won't be the same without the slightly unfermentable character and body that can only be achieved with extract. Did you consider brewing the extract version?

I thought that mashing high and twice as much cara or crystal than the extract version would account for that to some extent.

The original was about 5% dark crystal so the caramalt is my compensation for the extract ?


Did I consider extract ?

No, I've done that a couple of times, brewed a pilot beer with partial extract and then brewed the next in the series as grain and been happier with the grain version.

But that maybe a reflection of my ability or technique rather than the ingredients  !


I undershot the strike tempt by a degree and missed my OG into the fermenter too.
Still, it's tasting thick & sweet Mr Cherry, but whether it comes out of the fermenter like that will be another story.

What news on you last batch Mr C ? It's been over a week, is it finished, is it drinking ?

Cheers, jt

Mine's down to 1.011 and ready to be kegged as soon as I get around to it, probably mid week.  I probably could have kegged it sooner but I wanted to give the dry hopping time to work it's magic.  Should be ready for a couple of quiet pints next weekend.


I took your advise and decided to increase the dry hopping based on a taste test.  I double dry hopped it.  1g/L  after 3 days and another 1.5g/L after 5 days with the intention of kegging it after 10 days.  I also added some other hops (Riwaka & Motueka) in the second dry hop as the NZ Goldings alone seemed a bit one dimensional and lifeless.   Hydro sample is tasting pretty good.  No noticable diacetyl which is good.

Sounds nice Mr Cherry, looking forward to hearing how that tastes
I took a hydro tasting last night, 1012 and a bit yeasty. It wasn't as Motty as I remembered, intended or expected, though memory, expectations and intentions can be hard to get into a beer correctly. So it's a dry hop to try and get them all to meet up.

What news of your beer Mr Cherry ?
Cheers, jt
Just bottled / kegged this tonight, still not as Motty or as sweet as I'd hoped.
Intentions, expectations and memory eh ?
Maybe a bit of time and condition will bring it closer

And what news from the Hutt Mr Cherry, you must be just about to crack that keg ?


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