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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Did you clamp up the tubing in the tun or is it still just pressure fitting ?
Just a pressure fit, good point, perhaps I should also put a clamp on there too just in case.
Yea, that was a suspect point for grain getting in and blocking the run off - though if today's went ok,well you might be ok
Masho !
House Pale
85% malteurop
15% dark cara
10 ibu of super alpha to bitter (usually use sauvin)
@ 20 min 7g Pacifica 7g motueka 14g cascade
@ 10 min 14g Pacifica 14g motueka 28g cascade
@ 1 min 20g Pacifica 20g motueka 40g cascade
Diluting back to 1032 and using Windsor
Just mashed in and heating the sparge water
brewing a week early as I'm expecting the kitchen to be occupied next Sunday with a surprise Fathers Day breakfast


I dry hopped this last week with 20g Pacifica 20g motueka 40g cascade

Had a taste with the hydrometer sample last night. It's at 1.012 so it's ended up a sub-3% beer

Still pretty murky,  but tasting very tropical. Now to get it cleared up a bit


cheers, jt

After having some great stouts recently, I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon.

Halfway through the boil of this:


Recipe: Batch 18-Lite 

13D-Stout-Foreign Extra Stout


IBU 47

Mash @ 69C 

Gladfield Ale Malt  61%

Munich 10.0 %

Pale Chocolate 5.0 %

Dark Crystal 5.0 %

Wheat 5.0 %

Dark Caramalt 5.0 %

Roasted Barley 4.0 %

Thai Palm Sugar 5.0 %


Willamette 40g @ 60

Columbus 10g @ 60


Cocoa Nibs 100 g in secondary

1272-American Ale II

Oooh  interesting. Are you keen to come along to the next Chch meetup D? Otherwise I would be keen to talk more beer while having a beer sometime again??

Not sure which yeast to pitch on this one actually. The style suits a dry English strain, but the choice is either 1968 or 1272. Opinions welcome...

I meant to reply about the meetup actually. Am most keen, and free on the 17th. We should certainly catch up for a beer though.   

Excellent. Always keen for a beer and will see you around at Nates if not before! As I have not yet progressed onto liquid yeast I have no idea on which yeast to recommend so I tossed a coin. The coin says you should go with 1272!!
Just as well! That's what I ended up pitching- I'm hoping for a dry finish despite the high mash temp.

I need a low ABV easy drinker over the next month or so so I whipped up a little quaffer this morning.  

First time brewing with NZ Golding.


Standard/Ordinary Bitter

OG: 1.038

IBU: 30

ABV: 3.3%


DME 1.9kg

CaraPils 200g

Caramalt 145g

Dark Caramalt 100g

Dark Crystal 220g

Brown Malt 125g (Uncrushed)


60min Super Alpha 14g [12.3 AA] [21 IBU]

30min NZ Golding 15g [5.6 AA]

0min NZ Golding 15g [5.6 AA]

Dry Hop NZ Golding 15 (haven't decided yet)


Wyeast 1968 (London ESB Ale)

Starting at 18-19C letting it creep up slowly to 21-22C over 5 days 


Steeped in 2.3L water at approx 60-70C for 30min


Water Adjustments to achieve London'ish water profile:

1.5tsp Chalk added to the steep

0.5 tsp Gypsum added to boil

0.33tsp Salt (without iodine) added to boil

I love the look of that Mr Cherry, with perhaps the exception of the Brown malt. I know you're not cracking it, but it's just a bit too distinctive for me.

And Super Alpha makes a rare appearance ? Go Mr Cherry !

Given the brown malt and super alpha for the 60 in addition I'd br tempted to up that dry hop a bit- but that's a personal taste

Cheers, jt


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