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Thinking about experimenting, any suggestions? Not sure yet what I will brew but will be hoppy maybe an IPA with mostly US hops, so don't want anything that will not work with that. I am looking for a yeast that will add complexity but not take over and dominate, (and I can get from Craftbrewer). ?? 

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I brewed :


84% Warminster Organic Malt

6% Carapils

6% Crystal Med

3% Crystal Dk

1% Melanoidin


was aiming for 1.40, 45L at 75% efficiency

hit 1.45, 49L at 91% efficiency - wow, first time brewing in a yr, was surprised at that.


Only 21 IBUs with US hops, and a big dose of Cascade and Chinook at the end. Pitched 3 packets of Nottingham - keen to see what its got!


I decided to experiment with a direct fired recirculating mash AND HERMS coil using my chiller in the HLT - manually controlled via the termostat and a probe at the wort return. Looking forward to PID, Chris - may even keep a burner under the MLT - Awesome for ramping up to MO : 





I've acronym'd this as HEADFARM. Heat Exchanged And Direct Fired Active Recirculating Mash. Haha
So how's this one looking Studio ? I'm interested to hear how it goes.

Cheers jt

ok, was bubbling away in the conical Sunday morning @ 21. I went away for a few days, got back last night. Sitting on 1.015, Cranked temp up to 24, checked again today - still at 1.015. Tastes ok though - and brings it back to my target abv of <4%

- think I may have mashed too high - not needed with 15% specialty in the grist., gonna have to crash it now so I can keg and carb for the party tomorrow.

Dont forget Gelatine once it's semi cooled bro - will get that yeast out in like 12 hours. 1 teaspoon for 40L disolved in warm sterile water works for me.
Sorry a bit slow on this one... it was s33, the stuff is lightning fast. About 2 days in the fermenter, 2 days at 0 (with gelatine) then force carb for a day or two. It was an ordinary bitter so it was pretty much ready for drinking without conditioning.
Must be pretty critical to have a good ferment, starts well, good temperature control, not too long a lag time etc eh ?

Haha yup have temp control and the yeast was very fresh, so ticked all those boxes. I wouldn't bet my house on it working out this well every time, but the brew gods were smiling this time.

I'm looking to turnaround a <4% session beer in a week for a party.

T-58 and S-33 are the fastest fermenting dried yeasts I've used.  I wouldn't class either of them as neutral though.  S-33 at 18C for 5 days would probably be OK, maybe?


If it was me, I'd go for US-05 starting at 18C for the first 24 hours then bringing it up to up to around 22C over the next 4 days before kegging & force carbing.  And yes, I'd add some carapils and/or plenty of caramalt to give it body, or mash at 68C if you're mashing.  S-04 with the same fermentation schedule would probably get you there also.


A healthy dose of late hops for the drinkers to focus on will help too.



id go for 1469 (the yorkshire one) jt. Good flocca, so as time is clearly an issue, getting the bulk of the yeast out will not make your mates fart too much
if I had any I would have used 1469 - I haven't got any yeast stocks at the moment, so it was up to dry yeast unfort
Are you referring to the commonly available Gervin English Ale yeast which is supposed to be Nottingham, or the real Danstar deal?


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