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Has anyone bought a March pump (or similar) recently? If so, from where? I'm finally in the market for a pump. MoreBeer in the States are claiming about NZ$300 landed. I've seen some on TradeMe for about $220.


What's good?


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I have one. I was pretty happy with it, but failed to read the instructions carefully. It required horizontal mounting (stated in smallprint in the manual, which I downloaded) and I mounted it vertically. Shortly after this it became very noisy, and didn't pump quite as well. I emailed the seller, and he told me I really should have mounted it horizontally. Fair enough, my failure.

It also has a max temp. of 80C, which can be a bit touch and go when compensating for cooling in the hose and trying to maintain a good strike temp for sparging. Maybe it was the heat which caused the noise? Anyway, I may get another and be more careful with it. We shall see...

Be aware that some of the "overseas imitations" do not have any thread on the input and output, which makes connecting hoses a little more tricky.

I ended up buying a couple of these:



Shipping was USD 61.00 in about Feb '11





Nah, that's just mine. Some do. Check the model carefully. ;)
A protip, thanks.

You could also go to Pump Machinery in NZ. I got my March 809-PL from them. You can also get replacement heads and stainless steel parts if you want.




When you factor the freight it works out to be a reasonable price to go to buy local.




What are the advantages of a march pump over the tempercon pump?
I'm not fully qualified to comment as I don't own the tempercon pump - but March has reputation on its side and that means a hell of a lot to me when it comes to reliability, safety, value hold, serviceability etc


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