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Hi Guys

Im looking to purchase beer taps, standard keg couplers ,corny kegs and anything else that could help me get into kegging my brother has some brewry kegs he got from work or somewhere and I have been reading up about them so thinking I may be able to use one of those 25/30lt ones :)

Im in Christchurch btw



Also unrelated but where do people buy there suupplies for partial mashes


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i wrangled a keg/tap set-up for fairly cheap. i just kept an eye on trade me for bargains, theyre out there. got three taps and a brass tower for 50bux, corny keg for 70, fridge for 50. old fire extinguisher (for co2 tank) for 50. not bad i guess.
thats not bad at all i have a fridge that was used for corny kegs. only a small one but he only charged me $10 for it:)
where did u get your fire ectinguisher converted and how much did it cost. is there an age limit on how old it can be???
Hey Quinn, sorry I only just saw your reply.
Im in Wellington btw. A fire extinguisher has to have the handle/nozzle cranked off, be tested, painted silver (as mine was red), and the have a regulator screwed on.
Had this all done by BOC gas in porirua but any gas refill place should be able to do this for you.
I bought the regulator separately on trademe for around 70bux.
Test/ paint cost 25, fill cost 14 (if i remember right... may have been the other way around)
And mine is a 9lb bottle i believe.
Make sure your extinguisher you are bidding on has a rounded bottom and is a CO2 extinguisher (or else no one will fill it for you). Also, mine came with a metal skirt welded around the base so that is can stand vertical on the ground. This means the tank needs to be re-tested once a year, as there is more potential to rust apparently.
Best of luck! Nothing beats beer on tap!

thanks mate. yea theres a little $6 one on trade me but they wont ship it:(

Ill get one eventually just sucks waiting. i got a 4 tap snap in tower and my sister is sending me some taps/reg and coupler from aussie so im getting there fast.am putting my slab of wood through my mates thicknessor this weekend and getting a mate to weld a bar frame up :)

Have a good day mate

hey Nate i dunno if i can take the pump off and use it as a standard coupler:)

I might look in to it theres one fo $10 too

Thanks mate and i hope all is going well with you

yea thats the problem thats why i wanted a coupler im just waiting to hear from my brother :) will let you know asap
Quinn, you can if you add the right bits. I can't remember the exact measurements but you can remove the pump and replace with a couple of connections.... to be honest if dispense (on trademe) still has any I would just get one of those.
oh ok cool so i can remove the pump:) thanks

hey nate will that tap be able to connect to those snap in beer towers.



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