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Thought it might be handy to have a thread for some of the more advanced brewers to give some advice on recipes.

Let's see how it goes eh...

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Cheers guys, that's a great help!

Here's one I've just bottled. 

Nice beer, but much lighter amber in colour than Emerson's, and missing the chocolate/caramel thing.


Wheat Malt 50.0 % 

Gladfield Ale Malt 28.6 %

Munich Malt 12.1 %

Belgian Special B 3.8 %

Dark Caramalt (Bairds) 3.8 %

Chocolate Malt 1.7 %


16 IBU of Hallertau @60 


Ow yum. I wonder how they get it tasting so chocolatey.... It really does taste like a chocolate banana split.
My guess is the dark colour is coming from the roasted wheat and dark crystal, bump those up till it's around 20-25 SRM.
Pitch cold, ideally 7C. This prevents the formation of diacetyl etc, and gives you a clean tasting beer. You will need to pitch more yeast though- check out the Mr Malty calculator for the right amount.

I've made a very similar recipe before. Even with that 1kg of vienna malt your beer will still be pretty pale. Love the toasty maltiness it brings.


I'm rather annoyed Auckland has decided to get so warm after being nice and chilly because my lager is now run away fermenting at 15degC when it was sitting at a perfect 12. Pitched at 9 though so I hope not too much harm done.

Hi to ALL , I have just stepped up to all grain and have put down two porters, it is all going well so far and with the second Porter bubbling away. I still need to tweak a few things, I dont think tweaking your equipment ever ends does it? What I am looking for is a tried and trusted recipe for a nice amber Alt bier, basically a malty amber german style ale, thought I would throw it out there to see what fellow AGrs can come up with. My system is made from kegs and I am looking for a 23-24 lt batch(fermenter volume) boil volume of around 29 lt.

I am thinking about putting down a typical APA, but with a bit less hops than I usually use. However, the twist is that I picked up some peach extract from a local brew supply shop. (Not so local, 40 miles away!) I think this would go nicely with some amarillo hops.

It seems this stuff is made for brewing, and on the bottle it says to add after fermentation. Should I just add this directly to my secondary or keg? Is there anything I must do to sanitise it, or is it ok just to pitch in there when I add my dry hops?

most flavours/extracts are kept on microstatic mediums such as ethanol or propylene glycol and so should be fine to add just before bottling, or you could put it into your secondary. Probably will not make much difference exactly where in the process you add it, as long as it is after the wort has been chilled.

Please advise on this IPA

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 45.00 L     
Boil Size: 53.38 L
Estimated OG: 1.055 SG
Estimated Color: 13.3 EBC
Estimated IBU: 65.1 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.00 %
Boil Time: 75 Minutes

Amount        Item                                      Type         % or IBU     
9.54 kg       Pale NZ Pils (3.4 EBC)                    Grain        88.78 %      
0.61 kg       Crystal, Pale (Bairds) (100.0 EBC)        Grain        5.67 %       
0.60 kg       Cara-Pils (Weyermann) (4.9 EBC)           Grain        5.55 %       
100.00 gm     Riwaka [5.60 %]  (Dry Hop 6 days)         Hops          -           
40.00 gm      Nelson Sauvin [11.40 %]  (Dry Hop 6 days) Hops          -           
70.00 gm      Nelson Sauvin [11.40 %]  (60 min)         Hops         41.9 IBU     
70.00 gm      Riwaka [5.60 %]  (15 min)                 Hops         10.2 IBU     
40.00 gm      Nelson Sauvin [11.40 %]  (15 min)         Hops         11.9 IBU     
85.00 gm      Riwaka [5.60 %]  (1 min)                  Hops         1.1 IBU      
2 Pkgs        Safale (DCA Yeast #S-05)                  Yeast-Ale                 

Mash Schedule: Single Infusion, Medium Body, No Mash Out
Total Grain Weight: 10.75 kg
Single Infusion, Medium Body, No Mash Out
Step Time     Name               Description                         Step Temp    
60 min        Mash In            Add 28.02 L of water at 76.8 C      67.8 C

To be brewed in the next week

All advise welcome





I cant offer much in the way of advice, but I am interested to hear how it turns out. I am thinking of putting down a NZ pale ale tomorrow with some Nelson Sauvin and NZ Cascade. I am using a ratio of about 2 x the cascade to the Nelson Sauvin with plenty of late and dry hopping.
i tried this combination and again i'd dial down the ratio to a max of 1 to 4, i couldn't taste the cascade!


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