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This is quite amazing. See attached file (you may need to download it and open it with Adobe Reader)

The sooner this lunacy is challenged and defeated the better!

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Quite so Tony. I suggest we all all sleep on it before responding, that's what I intend to do.

As a matter of interest I did some research on the office of the Ombudsman, which I mentioned earlier in the week. This from their website "A list of the central and local government agencies that come under an Ombudsman's jurisdiction can be found in the First Schedule of the Ombudsmen Act." IPONZ, in spite of being a Government agency is not mentioned in the First Schedule so currently the ombudsman cannot investigate any complaints against it. Therefore it is self regulating (joke). I intend writing to my MP to bring this to his attention with the hope of getting this rectified.

I'll mention this in my feedback to IPONZ. May get a nervous reaction.

Roger that Tony,

I've given 'em plenty of feedback too! I found the "clean" part pretty tricky tho' i'm a kinda laid back bogan ;) cheers Paul

As an X, one thing I have learned in life is that they only real way to force a change of behaviour in corporations is to hurt them where it counts, their profits. Certainly write and give it a good shot, but don't expect much a of response.

But what is going on FFS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radler

What is will take is a large German brand to export a Radler here, I can't imagine DB having a leg to stand on if that happened.

Another thought, we are not exactly DB's target audience here.


I did have a function at the Brewers Apprentice Monteiths-sponsored bar to go to on saturday night, Im refusing to go now .


another reason why i enjoy drinking at HZ ,I  must admit i have a few DB products in my fridge for visitors which will now be put out in tomorrow's recycling if they dont want craft beer they can drink bell tea , IPONZ  you have screwed up big time , you know you have made a mistake and you have chosen not to correct it, as for DB im glad i still have a choice and my hard earned coin will not go into your back pocket

Ego is mightier than the correction?


There is a German Radler  imported here..... A pity its a small brewery, the owner was quite shocked when first I explained it to him. :-(

Check out the IPONZ decisions here http://www.nzlii.org/nz/cases/NZIPOTM/toc-D.html the thing is I think SOBA actually won the Radler fight back in April!

The recent decision was part of the trademark that DB have relating to "Beers; beverages made from malt; lager." but in April IPONZ revoked DB's trademark which was "Beers; beverages made from malt; lager; fruit drinks, fruit juices, syrups, essences and other preparations for making beverages, combined with beer, beverages made from malt or lager" 

The way I read it actual Radlers are now fair game you just cant make non-mixed beer and call it that.

Am I totally wrong on this?

You're onto something there Dale - 

"Accordingly, I direct that trade mark registration no. 700726 for RADLER be revoked as at 2 September 2009 in accordance with section 68(2)(a) of the Act in relation to “fruit drinks, fruit juices, syrups, essences and other preparations for making beverages, combined with beer, beverages made from malt, or lager”."


I am so glad I'm not a lawyer, what a boring bunch of twaddle those documents are.

That looks like a fair analysis from my skim read of it.

The devil is in the detail and we can't expect our poodle media to do any real work to ascertain the facts. They are presenters not reporters. Think about this when you see any story on TV, can you really trust the information?

DB are still guilty however of pursuing this to the degree they have, they could have conceded that point a long time ago.

But if they want to call a full strength beer the name of a pissy watered down one, then good luck to them. Monteiths mistake in the first place:)

The other funny thing in the one that went against SOBA is that the costs awarded were only $4330. So much for DB's threatening bankruptcy! It's no wonder they aren't seeking costs considering its such a small sum.
That's the way I read this too - nice spotting Dale. Anyone from Soba who's been involved got any comment on this?


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