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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Tonight I've had;

Liberty Brewing Taranaki session  beer, very nice and will be having more if I see it on tap again.... Much like his west coast blond (please send more of that to Hashingo!!!!)


Then Pink Elephant Golden Tusk ESB, Nice drop.... Another brew  that like the Townsend Brews is sending me further down the ESB path away from IPA's


And now that I'm home a bottle of St Ambroise Outmeal stout from Canada.

Very interesting, dark malty roastedness crying out to be had with some bittersweet chocolate yet still with just a bit of tartness that seems to stop it getting too cloying on the pallet.... Drys off quickly making for a nice sessionable stout.





Jobless Recovery Ale


Malty, but it did have some decent bittering hops. Very little aroma though. having said this, I enjoyed it more than expected, an would rate it a 7 out of 10. I bought the beer at Wholefoods in South Beach Miami.

Went to the new local Brewpub last night, Cassels - was very good and their 1PA was great!
I was there last night too, the IPA was a smash but I don't know what malt and hop they used. But it great to see something new opening. A brew pub walking distance from home - ahhh luxury.
that is why they call it a '1' PA. The hops are US cascades, they couldn't tell me what the malt was, but it is a NZ one apparently. A brew pub with wood fired pizzas, within short driving distance from work - ahhh dangerous.......!  And 3 Boys just over the road too! I can see a submission to CERA coming on - rebuild Christchurch with a grid of brew pubs, all connected by a tram system.......
So good to hear things are on the rise, despite the 'quakes...
Yes Stu, a few 'green shoots' out there for sure. Just got back from the site of another pub under re-construction, unfortunately though this one will be at the other end of the spectrum from a craft brew pub, I suspect. sigh. However also have a job on the books for a rebuild of a pub/restaurant in town, the owner has gone to the effort of going to New York to gather ideas on how to make it a really cool and unique premises - he sees this as his one chance to do something really special, and he is buzzing. So if we can similarly enthuse a core group of building owners, planners etc I think we should have a few nice things to look forward to one day out of this mess!

Sierra Nevada Southern Harvest 2010 - Lovely. I do not get Sauvin hops very often these days, so it is a treat. Soon, I will have my black IPA which has them though! (2 more weeks i reckon)


is that the recipe on rate beer michael?  I had a rescue red at Ruakura tonight-rather tasty, nice change from the hop overloads of late which are in vogue.........
Her Majesty 2011 and a Saison Sauvin...ahh how I love Thursdays
Tonight Epic Barrel Aged Stout with my Venison sandwich

Couple of Cassels best bitters and a 1PA.


Fookin heavin down at Cassels new brew pub tonight. Good to see, but a bit hard to get a beer!! Chch has been a bit starved of places to go out what with the quakes, and somewhere new is a novelty that a whole bunch of people are into!!


Craft beer in a cool brewpub is all good!!


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