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After yet another disappointment with dealing with home brew product suppliers I have come to realise that Liberty Brewing is the ONLY supplier I have dealt with that consistently delivers quality product and service.  Their products are always fresh & well packaged and the communication & delivery is always timely.  On two separate occasions they have gone out of there way to obtain the specific product that I was after.


Unlike other suppliers, they 'get' how passionate home brewers are about what they do.  They know how important it is to deliver the products that were actually ordered, to communicate promptly when there are any issues no matter how small, their web site is reliable, their product knowledge is AWESOME and best of all they don't lose your order and screw up your precious brewing plans.


Good on ya Liberty Brewing and long may it last.  If all home brew suppliers across NZ and Australia were as good as Liberty Brewing the life of a home brewer would even better.


You haven’t already checked out Liberty Brewing, you should.




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Yes I work on a very very part time casual basis with DMH (mainly cause I hung out there a lot buying ingredients) however I have no vested interests or personal gains to be made by mentioning them here. I am first and foremost a satisfied customer of DMH and simply following along the line of the thread of mentioning decent suppliers. I am not bagging Liberty or Realbeer, they are great outfits and many of the customers of DMH use them as well. Funny how the internet can get pretty hostile sometimes, when it comes down to it we need to support each other and support the craft beer industry in NZ in general. And yes DMH has very fresh wyeast in stock most of the time and at a reasonable price too so I figured it is worth mentioning for those who were unaware. I think it would seem a little unbalanced and perhaps remind me a bit of the book 1984 if satisfied customers were only allowed to praise selected suppliers on this site but not others...

Why is it that everytime someone adds a comment about how good a supplier is, it turns into something more?


Remember this is not a "community" site, rather a forum attached to a commercial company, much like southernbrewers forum is attached to DMH.

This is Mad props Liberty Brewing not Mad Props Dunedin Malthouse when some gets outstanding service which leads to a Thread or post about Dunedin Malthouse than thats when you can mention the wyeast stock, other wise shut up. lol;)

...so back to the subject at hand. Mad props to Liberty for sure. Liberty has been the only place I've dealt with that always gets my stuff to me before brew day, and the quality and support is always awesome- I love the fact that they have the malt analysis data sheets up on the site too.

Heh... somehow I get the feeling that I've said / done something wrong - without even saying anything at all!


I read this thread the other day... and didn't want to comment so much, as it could have come across as self serving. But... seeing how I've started typing - I may as well express that Christina and I am very touched at your sentiment Mr Cherry. Thank you so much for taking the time to write such a fantastically complimentary post, and leaving it open for discussion. While I'm at it, thanks to all of our customers for sticking with us - even though our range of products can be quite limited from time to time: your continued support makes it possible for me to follow my dream to produce quality ales for everybody to enjoy. I might take the time to explicate that I use the very same stock for my manufacture of beer as I do to supply you guys for your own brewing.


So... about the yeast. I guess that there is a little bit of a "can-of-wormsism" happening here and even though I didn't invite that side of the discussion, I feel compelled to explain myself.


I really don't want to deamonise myself by talking about different suppliers - nor do I want to vilify said suppliers. OK - disclaimer over. First up - good on DMH for taking on realbeer r.e. WyEast supply to homebrewers: competition is a healthy part of any form of supply. Without competition, prices would be rediculous. I was on the tip of offering White Labs yeast to compete against realbeer - but noted at that time that DMH was then offering WyEast, and I honestly can not see that there is enough room in the market to offer an alternative - especially not given that in order to live by our motto, we would be throwing old yeast away. Infact - only last month, I had to dispose of hundreds of dollars worth of hops - as they didn't pass my quality control - if I wouldn't use it... I won't sell it.


More on dry yeast - we've had a few different strains in the past... but in the end the ones that don't sell before the use by date had to get thrown out. I tried to get the pre-sealed packets from the ditributors, but they just laughed at me. Because we didn't have a storefront - where we could advertise their branding: they refused to supply me. I know of one online HB supply who has these little pouches... and I feel gutted that they can have a supply and I can't. That cuts deep. On the flipside - I'm really proud of what items we do offer to you guys given how limited my supply really is.


So - given all that if there is anyone who has some comments on how we can improve things for you... please let us know. If it's possible - we'll do it. PLEASE don't ask us to improve our website interface! We know how shitty it is! We aren't web developers... and we really can't afford to hire one!


Thanks again everyone for your support - it means a great deal to me that the effort we put in is appreciated!


Kindest of regards, Joe.

So anyhow...


Ask and thoust shall receive.


I know it's not liquid yeast - but I am pleased to announce that I have secured a reliable (from overseas) supply of Danstar Nottingham and Windsor yeast strains in the 11g pouches. These should be available early next week.


These yeasts are unique strains, and are not comparative to the Fermentis range.


Nottingham is closest compared to WyEast 1098 or Whitelabs wlp007 (theoretically a ver similar strain to what they use at Stone Brewing Co.) So allows the hops to come through - but still offer a lottle more charater than US-05.


Windsor is more of a classic UK style yeast strain. It's probably best compared to Fullers or WyEast 1968 / WLP002. I'm notat all suggesting that it's the same yeast as the liquid counerpart - but Attenuation and Flocculation are the same. Fruity esters are similar too.


In the future we'll be able to offer Munich yeast from Danstar - which was sources from a Bavarian brewery that produces Hefeweizen beer. My research has also lead me to the fact that since this yeast has been introduced, a great many German breweries have actually changed their yeast to this strain... so that's massive news for Whear Beer fans over here.


So... to sum up, when used properly these fellas will give you fantastic results - if not better results than the comparative liquid counerparts. I'll release an update when they are available.


Kind regards, Joe.

Nice one Joe, I look forward to trying some of your yeasts at some stage!
Awesome work mate, you are the man!! I've been wanting to try Nottingham for ages but never seen it over here and shipping from Oz is a bit over the top. That Windsor looks like it's worth a shot for my English Bitters too. Another couple of great additions to the already excellent range.

Wouldn't mind giving the Windsor a go.


Was the gervin ale yeast that was, similar to or repackaged Notts ?

good stuff joe, look forward to trying them out!

Good on ya Joking.  I'll definitely be buying some of those yeasts.  


It will however be a few months before I order any as I have two beers bubbling away since Saturday and seven packs of yeasts arrived just this morning along with some Amarillo hops.







If there's anything else you guys want... just let me know.




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