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We had a very successful initial meeting at Galbraiths on Saturday. Many thanks to the people who made the effort to come down (we had about 10 in total). A very interesting discussion was had, and some very good beer was drunk. It was really nice to meet a few people I'd previously only communicated with by email, and a few others who were totally new to me!

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss whether or not there was merit in the idea of regular Auckland-area get-togethers, and if so to talk about what form these might take. I'm pleased to say that there was unanimous support for regular meetings. Indeed it was felt that
this was exactly what was needed to get SOBA moving in the Auckland region.

In summary, we decided:
- monthly is the best frequency for the meetings
- Saturday afternoons are as good a time as any
- we should rotate the venue around different establishments (a few suggestions were mooted, and more are sought)
- each meeting should have a theme (e.g. a semi-formal tasting, homebrewing, beer guides etc.). Lots of good ideas were talked about.

There are a few things for future discussion (particularly whether or not we can do something jointly with the Hamilton-based folks) but I think a lot of progress was made.

I volunteered to come up with a date for the next meeting and after careful consideration I've come up with the following suggestion:


My proposal is that the Auckland-area meetings should be on the second Saturday of every month at 2pm. That would mean that the next meeting would be on Saturday 10th May at 2pm, venue and theme to be confirmed (suggestions welcome).

Hope this works for people. I'll send a reminder out nearer the time.


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I'm still working on my write-up of the meeting (hope to get it done today), but I felt I should respond to this.

I agree that the "front-of-house" experience in the Shakespeare leaves a bit to be desired. They didn't seem all that responsive when I went in earlier in the week to book an area, and they obviously hadn't taken it on board that I was planning to bring a group of around 10 people to do a tasting. The 2 staff they had on struggled to deal with 15 orders for tasting trays but they did persevere. It's clear that the staff could be from any bar, and don't really have any knowledge of or passion for decent beer but they seemed friendly enough.

As for the brewer not showing up - I assume he didn't know we were coming and even if he did he probably didn't know who we were. I had not made a point of telling them what the point of the gathering was, partly because I didn't think the bar staff would have a clue what I was talking about, but also because I didn't want it to be perceived as us expecting special treatment. In the UK I experienced (from both sides) the pressure from CAMRA on landlords to put on free food, special beers etc. when they had meetings there and it made me feel a bit uncomfortable.

The key point to me is that it's early days for SOBA, and especially in Auckland so we're just feeling our way. If something doesn't work, we don't do it again.

I hope it won't stop you coming to future meetings Tony, and please continue to make suggestions as to how we might do things better.
I suggest you always notify the place you are coming with a group, and if you have exceptions such as 15 tasting trays. This gives the manager an opportunity to put on more staff to help if they are already busy at that time.

I would never assume you are going to get free food or good treatment in NZ even if you are SOBA members.
we tried to let them know. Martin and I went for a scoping mission, told the bar person on at the time that we were coming up with a big group and did we need to book. She looked at us as though we had been smoking crack.
She went and spoke to a manager type person in the office in the hall, Martin and I could see them talking and she gave us no more than a cursory glance. The bar person returned and said that should be no problem, just turn up. In a very flippant, "who cares what you do, do what you want" kind of way.

If I had one suggestion to the Shakespeare it would be not to make their tasting trays so abnormally large - I was fair shattered by the end of it. Very sleepy bus ride home.
well that must be a reflection on the new owners, they have only been there a few weeks
Sure Barry... it wasn't the 3-4 odd pints at Hallertau we had before hand at all, was it? ;)

In hindsight, that was a bad idea... but so much fun, and the beers were tasting great.
Might've had sommit to do with it, I concede that. Had I realised the tasting trays would be so substantial, I definitely would've restricted my intake at Hallertau. Or maybe not, they were tasting so good it was hard to say no.
Barry - That might have been because you do look like you have been smoking crack. All the pics of you on realbeer seem to be be 'gurning' shots.

All -
I've never really had a good experience at Shakespeare's and I've only had a coulpe of decent beers (though, in saying this, the Puck's was tasting very very good at The Malthouse last night). I've virtually given up bothering to visit there when I am in Auckland. Would love to be proven wrong but I get the feeling that the love has been lost here, if it ever existed... it seems tired and depressed.

Well done on the forward prep guys. It's a shame that the host bar didn't follow through for you. Give them some feedback and try again in six months. Surely it is worth another crack.

In regards to brewers - you should try to get them along, if you can. I know Ian at Galbraith's would love to talk beer with you all. He's a top guy and loves to talk beer. Our two brewer experiences in Wellington, with Carl from Tuatara and Ally from Mac's, have been the two highlights of SOBA catch ups for me (besides Greig McGill last night, of course!).

In regards to free beer or food, I agree with you Martin - we should never ever expect this or put any pressure on anyone to provide it. It seems rather obnoxious and arrogant - and, to be honest, that doesn't surprise me from some CAMRA members. In the end, we all need to keep in mind that business is business.

Last of all: I've had good feedback about the event from others, so I hope some of the positives come out soon too!
> besides Greig McGill last night, of course!

Oh you flatterer.
Barry - That might have been because you do look like you have been smoking crack. All the pics of you on realbeer seem to be be 'gurning' shots.
Ive often wondered about that pic but compared to horace's photo it makes Barry look rather normal!
I agree with Martin here. I hate the special treatment thing, it is uncomfortable. We're just beer lovers. That said... (everything before the but is bullshit, right?)

a) They had been told there was a large group, so putting more staff on would have been just plain sensible.

b) Given the large amount spent, it probably wouldn't have hurt them to offer some bar snacks or some such. No special treatment there, just good business. I mean, I know we spent enough between us to cover the costs of a couple of bowls of nibbles! :)

The staff were friendly and patient though, so good on them. Having been there a few times, I wasn't exactly expecting friendly service!
Please gents, in no way was I suggesting we get preferencial treatment! I know you did go in earlier in the week to arrange our meeting Martin, and I feel thats where communiction broke down. She (the manager)was leaving and didn't really do her job. Maybe it's better for the Shakespear, she has gone.

But I would have presumed (or hoped), that Mr. Newman followed this site or at least knew about it. After all it is about brewing and supporting smaller breweries!?

It has been posted for some time that we were going there, given that, I would have thought that they had made better effort in making us more welcome. e.g. giving us some space, putting on bar staff, maybe even meeting us and sharing in an ale.

Put it this way, Luke, if we announced that we would like to meet next month at your brewery and purchase as many beers as we could get, have a tasting and generally support you, would you not make an effort?

Maybe I am being a little presumptuous, in thinking, Mr Newman reads this site? I would never expect to get free anything, that would be arrogant and counter productive, to say the least. I know it is early days for our gatherings, Martin, and you have my full support. I put it down to an imcompetent manager and a bad experience. Having said that it is still a commercial premesis, in our largest city, on a day when there were English tourists everywhere and one would have expected better, thats all.
Cheeky blighter Stu. keep that up and I'll make sure the print on your shirt is misspelled.

I'm sure I've said it before, but it shits me that the shakespeare isn't what it could be. It's in an unbelievable location, beautiful character space, tons of real history (rather than faux).

Imagine it as a real ale pub. Imagine the beers always being served in top condition at the right temperature. Imagine the focus being switched to good quality beer ONLY (the staff there would rather sell you a Heineken). Imagine yourself being served by passionate people and being able to converse with them about the beers they are purveying. Imagine them holding an IPA festival. Imagine the brewer creating something, _anything_ creative and new/current.

It should be on par with Galbraiths and Hallertau. It's not, because those wonderful establishments are run by people who give a crap.


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