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Has any one tried the new Weka beer from the people at Moa? Is it an ale or is it a lager?

More importantly, has any one told the fellas at the Mussel Inn that one of their beer names has been ripped off!

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I heard that the Weka lager is 32-35 IBU
Maybe they are using Tetra-hop and got a decimal place out in their calcs? 3.2 - 3.5 would be closer.

Hey Luke your beer has gone green and I'm sure it just growled at me in the brewery.
I've got a bottle in the fridge at home but haven't tasted it yet. I was pretty enamoured with their 'Harvest' beer last year, it was a beautiful fruit beer and the first of their beers since the original that has lived up to the packaging.

In regards to the name: I wouldn't think Mussel Inn would care as they are not distributing their beers widely.

Moa Weka is quite a funny name actually.
That’s probably the same assumption Renaissance used when they ripped off the Hallertau logo.
I've noticed the similarities there too. I'm sure a lot of people have.

The Hallertau label is much better, in my opinion. The R of Rennaisance gets lost in the hops, whereas the H of Hallertau is the focal point.

Both logos have basically ripped off arts and craft ideas of the late 19th century. One man's ripping off is another man's inspiration (and the court case is a cash cow to everyone except the two aforementioned men). Reminds me of the "Collabaration Not Litigation" beer.
so what are you going to do about it?
How about a collaboration beer? A Hallertau barrel-aged version of the Renaissance scotch ale?
You could both get mileage out of it and demonstrate the unique community spirit of craft brewing in New Zealand (as opposed to the DB v Lion summer ale bollocks from last summer).
Although big public legal conflicts generate a bunch more media interest than a couple of brewers holding hands over a barrel of beer.
But holding hands over a barrel of beer will definitely result in better beer for our drinking!
Actually, that has me thinking, you could have a nice arts and craft style drawing of yourself and Brian holding hands on the label (both of you draped in hops, of course). Then call it "Collabaration not Litigaytion".
This thread now seems to have the wrong name

mmmm - we'll, I've heard about it now. We have about as much claim to Weka as we have to Manuka so I'm not about to get gay about it - not even a liti bit. I'm a bit surprised though that they would choose such a small bird - may be more appropriate for a light version of the Moa. What ever they do it will never come anywhere near our weka which was a very special breed indeed. Sadly no longer with us having dissapeared back into the bush - but there have been the odd sightings here and there.
Steve, have you actually tried talking to Rennaisance, about this?

Maybe it was a totall oversite on thier part, or maybe they were actually trying to stir some controversy and are waiting for you to bite?

Maybe you could pool your legal costs to get the 'presumed' marketing mileage?

Better still, give me a call, I'll make a 'publicity for beer' deal with you both, satisfaction guaranteed!


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