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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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New type of beer, and this particular one rocked. All I can say is wow! This went very well with burritos.

Chilli beers were 'the thing' (kinda like black IPAs are at the moment) when I started homebrewing 3 or 4 years ago, died out not long after though.


Would be interested in trying one sometime, but don't plan on dedicating 20L to one or anything.

Well, I meant new to me. :)

my b'day


Spasticus autisticus- ah love that yeast.


Nota bene- wow, smells like washed rind cheese, weird,


Sierra Nevada Bigfoot-  I wish I could make a beer like this

What did the bigfoot taste like?


Sometimes I taste beers from Sierra Nevada, and am reminded of why they are in the position they are in. Occasionally they make some very exceptional brews.

It was superb Michael.  Never tasted it fresh but I can't say I've ever had a bad sierra nevada beer.

Epic Hop Zombie last night.  Loved it!  Such an innocent looking beer until you smell it, taste it, drink it and then feel it.  It was a lot paler and more balanced than what I was expecting from a double IPA.  Damn expectations!  I'll definitely be having another one  of those.  The aroma from hop combo reminded me a little of the old Riwaka aroma that seems to have disappeared over the last couple of years.  Seemed to have a candy sweetness in there too, I wouldn't be suprised if there's some inverted sugar hiding in that fermentation schedule somewhere.  Cheers Epic.




Last night I went on a leisurely mini-crawl around the fringe of the Auckland CBD with a good mate.

Started at Galbraith's, helped empty the keg of Rescue Red Ale - what a lovely beer, complex, hoppy and bitter, very drinkable. We were very tempted to stay for a second.

Wandered down to Coco's Cantina on K Rd, to try the West Coast Pale Ale I have heard good things about. It's another in the growing list of excellent NZ pale ales, deftly balanced. The place is more of a relaxed food/wine joint, but with two decent beers on tap (other being Gal's Munich Lager) it is worth a visit. The staff are excellent, as was the vibe. They only need to work on their bottled beer selection, it was all boring macro lager. Food looked awesome.

We then backtracked to the Wine Cellar, beneath St Kevin's Arcade. Have been meaning to check this place out for ages, it successfully swings for the dive bar shabby chic aesthetic. I don't know what they did to the keg of Croucher Pale Ale, but it was brilliant. It wasn't served too cold, and the carbonation seemed lower than normal for keg. Perhaps it was the nonic glass (it comes in pints?!) staring at me from the table and I was drinking with my eyes. Nonetheless, we will be going back.

Not only does the food at Coco's look awesome, it tastes awesome too!

I thought I finished off the keg of Rescue Red last night...
That you probably did, we were there pretty early and only stopped for one.

What am I drinking right now?


Ooooh, I want some of that! Hope some made it north of the bombay hills.


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