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In today's Herald there was a large ad for a brewery called Boundary Road. They are looking for beer tasting consultants - 999 people to try 3 lager recipes which they will deliver to your home. One lucky person will be chosen to be the Chairman of Tasters and receive a home brewing kit (this is the fancy one discussed in full on this site a couple months back - the bench top $6K one).


I have entered (what the hell - I like beer). Applications are being taken at TheChosenOne.co.nz

Does anyone have further info on this beyond what is in the paper?


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Yeah... Boundary Road Brewery Limited was founded in August 2010 by Julian Davidson and Peter McHugh. The company is owned 100% by Independent Liquor Limited....


.... what else do you need to know?

I still entered though... free beer is free beer - and I'd love a Williams Warn.

Same here lol,I know a lot of people bagged it on this site, but I think it is a pretty cool invention. If I won it I wouldn't stop brewing the "old school" way, but it probably would slow me down alot!

Cheers for the link Barbara!!

If I got one I'd do my usual all grain process and then chuck it in the Williams Warn. Yum.

Saw it in the paper this morning and entered also, as Jo says, free beer is free beer, and hey you never know it could be somewhat decent.


And fuck yeah as much as I wouldn't buy a WilliamsWarn its a free conical fermenter.

Great idea. You've got to be in to win. I'm in :-)

What did you answer for question # 10?  I thought NZ Draught was a lager?



I went to this awful media gathering with partner at Fort Street. The bartender tried to tell me that the pub brew on offer was a Draught. I tried to explain that draught is not a style but she swore up & down that it was. What. Ever.


its no wonder! 9 out of 10 kiwis (or more) would call DB a draught. not their fault


Sorry but she was right (according to SOBA and the NZ Brewer's Guild).


http://www.soba.org.nz/Forum/tabid/81/forumid/3/threadid/72/scope/p...  (I'm sure this is in the homebrew comp guidelines).


http://brewersguild.org.nz/node/188 (search for "draught")

It is a style. Why wouldn't it be? It might not be an internationally recognised style, but nor is Gose afaik. Styles evolve in many places.




Oh, So Stu just said... ;)


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