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Seen something on Trademe that others maybe interested in...post it here

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Hey thanks for all th info... will wait for the copper to arrive and source some fittings. Cheers for all your input

Hahaa Simon that is an EPIC chiller... yeah probably a little OTT but hey if you've got the tools, cash and time to do it then why the hell not aye? Looks like you have a pretty sweet man-cave set up there

It is not beer geer yet... but with a bit of modification could this be an uber grain mill??



This would be a great for building a brewing system on........


Need buckets? This could be an option...



They have loads of 30s and 10s.

I wish they did freight!!! 3-5 10L or even a couple of 30's at that price would be great for mucking around with hops etc to try the different flavours.

100 litre brewrig with temperature controlled conical anyone




anyone on here?

:P aint that what reaalbeer.co.nz is gonna get me for my b.day

Dont think I could justify buying that with the wife lol I did ask if they would sell the cornies seperatley


yea its gonna go for a bit
Holy super stainless bling batman! If reserve is anywhere near opening bid that's pretty bloody cheap!


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