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Hi there guys

I was wondering if someone would be able to shed some light on a question I have.

Would it be safe to use a aluminium beer keg??

Even if i steam cleaned and sanitised it I wanted to ask yous guys.

It seems like it was really well looked after and it would be a cheap way for me to start kegging (apart from a old rotokeg/rotosphere)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank yous

Absolutely, you just have to be careful with the products you use to clean and sanitise. Refer to http://www.howtobrew.com/section1/chapter2-2-3.html on what products are safe.

I hear there are a few who use aluminium as there pots.

edit: I had thought you were talking about using the keg as a pot with the top cut off, I should learn to pay more attention ;)

I am sure it will still be fine, although someone else might be able to shed a bit more light on the subject

cheers mate i might pm u the pic so u cld have a look as eventually i would like to get a corny get setup.

I seen this regulator with a sodastream bottle where they reckon they use it to carbonate beer kegs. do you think that would be possible i have adapted an old sodastream machine to supply co2 it is only really good for adding extra pressure for dispensing when it is getting empty but has saved me some $ and at $11 each refil pretty cheap too.

Anyhow thanks mate have a good night

Looking at purchasing some of that 12.7 od copper but not sure what fittings to get. Went to a plumbing co and they advised that it was refrigeration sized piping rather than plumbing. They advised a compression fitting with a nut & olive?? Any ideas?

Do you mean for making an immersion chiller? If so, just use some garden hose like so:

That makes it look so easy. Wont the clamps compress the copper? It looks like an easy solution... cheers
no way man. the copper isn't that soft, especially when the force is applied around the whole diameter, it would be very difficult to squish the copper like that. you barely even need the clips anyway, the hose fits more or less perfectly, you have to dip it in hot water first to get it on.
That's awesome... definitely make life a lot easy and save heaps in money too!
Not a bad way of doing it but if you can afford the compression fittings get them, its tidier and less risk of hot water squirting all over the place if the clamps dont hold.
I was looking at getting the compression fittings but had no idea where or what to get and the local plumber was not much help...


Try a different plumber, or a gas fitter, or one of those! cant remember the name now? industry hardware stores.

I got my copper and fittings from here and this is the resulting chiller ..... I may have gone a bit OTT ....



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