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Anyone done big beers but had to top up using extracts instead of grain due to pot size?  What does LME & DME equate to in base malt kilos?




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That depends on what efficiency you are able to get out of your base malt.  If you only get 60% out of your grains it will be quite different to if you get 90% out of your grains.


LME is about 20% water so you will need to use more LME than for DME.  Also DME keeps better but old LME looses quality.


Someone online reccons that 

1 kg grain = .75 kg LME = .6 kg DME

and I think that they might be about right (without checking on brew software.)


For my really big beers I mash and see what I get from that then add DME to get to the gravity I was aiming for (adjusted for boil volume.)

sweet, so you just cool a sample and add to suit?

Yep - just mash as much as you can with your speciality malts.  Once you have it in the pot, take a sample and cool it, see what the gravity is then add DME to reach your goal.





Ha, I was doing just this calculation o the weekend - if you trust my pen and paper conversions from ppg to "points per kg per L" then 1 kg of DME has ~375 points to add. So, if you took a reading and worked out how many points you needed then the amount of DME should be


mDME = points.needed * ( final.vol/375)


If you had 23 L of wort at 1050 and were aiming to top it up to 1070 you'd need 20 points or...


mDME = 20 * (23 / 375)

          ~ 1.2 kg of DME

awesome cheers David


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