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We had a very successful initial meeting at Galbraiths on Saturday. Many thanks to the people who made the effort to come down (we had about 10 in total). A very interesting discussion was had, and some very good beer was drunk. It was really nice to meet a few people I'd previously only communicated with by email, and a few others who were totally new to me!

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss whether or not there was merit in the idea of regular Auckland-area get-togethers, and if so to talk about what form these might take. I'm pleased to say that there was unanimous support for regular meetings. Indeed it was felt that
this was exactly what was needed to get SOBA moving in the Auckland region.

In summary, we decided:
- monthly is the best frequency for the meetings
- Saturday afternoons are as good a time as any
- we should rotate the venue around different establishments (a few suggestions were mooted, and more are sought)
- each meeting should have a theme (e.g. a semi-formal tasting, homebrewing, beer guides etc.). Lots of good ideas were talked about.

There are a few things for future discussion (particularly whether or not we can do something jointly with the Hamilton-based folks) but I think a lot of progress was made.

I volunteered to come up with a date for the next meeting and after careful consideration I've come up with the following suggestion:


My proposal is that the Auckland-area meetings should be on the second Saturday of every month at 2pm. That would mean that the next meeting would be on Saturday 10th May at 2pm, venue and theme to be confirmed (suggestions welcome).

Hope this works for people. I'll send a reminder out nearer the time.


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Actually must take that back - I was looking at the BJCP style guides for FG.
I looked at the WBC (ralph's link) and for Boh Pils it finishes at 1020 !
Hi Martin, do you have a topic or theme for our upcoming meeting? I am thirsty already!

Please feel free to PM me- tolak68@hotmail.com

Martin and I chatted briefly about a topic over a tasty pint of Brewjoulais a few weeks back.
I thought that seeing it's at the Shakespeare we could try all of their beers one at a time and comment, rather than focus on one style. What do you reckon Tony?
Sorry, these meetings sneak up on me! They seem to be weeks away then suddenly they're right around the corner.

Barry has mentioned my thoughts - I think the Shakespeare does tasting trays, so grab one of those each and work through the range making notes and discussing as we go.

If we've got time I thought we might also ask Greig to make us jealous by talking about some of the beers he tasted in the UK and Europe recently. And if Luke can make it he can do the same about the US.

I'll send a reminder out soon.



PS. I might need to pay a "fact-finding" visit to the Shakespeare to book a table etc. One lunchtime soon Barry, eh?
You're on.
I could go on for hours... ;) I won't though, otherwise nobody would turn up.
Shall I bring membership forms, cards, and the receipt book in case anyone wants to join SOBA?
Make sure you hit the mail group Martin - I've got a good friend in Auckland who is a SOBA member and would quite likely be keen.
Would love to come but at the moment with being away from home so much in the last few months, I am trying to spend the weekends with the family. Mid week works a bit better for me.
Don't you carry those wherever you go Greig?? Always a good plan.

A round of tasting sounds good to me! Let me know if you plan a 'fact finding tour', I'd love to join you. Greig, my cheque is in the mail already.

I have been having Friday, after work drinks at Galbraith's. This Friday, if anyone is interested. My number is- 021 707 749. From about 4.30
I don't know what you other Auckland SOBA-ites thought, but I found the recent meeting at Shakespear naff!

Meaning, I thought the way we were treated was BS. I don't blame the barstaff and it was obvious that the manager was leaving and didn't give a shit. But surely the brewer (one would hope they follow us?) should have taken an interest and made an effort, considering we are there to support them?

Who is the Shakespear brewer?
Tony, I think you need to meet Barry Newman (brewer)


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