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Hi guys I am new to this site but thought I would post a forum as me and two of my mates have just started a new idea called OurBrew and we are looking for feedback.

Basically we are trying to get 3000 beer drinkers together and with the help of a brewery make a brand new beer from scratch with the crowd having weekly votes and discussions deciding style, name, tasting sessions, launches, everything.

Check out our website www.ourbrew.co.nz and I would love to hear some feedback - any suggestions, comments or advice.

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Sounds great, maybe after Ourbrew finishes we should talk...
Is it just going to be one batch Danis, or is it your "trademe"?

Either way, I'll look into joining (even if it is just for the same self-flagellation that I experience on election night, when my vote seems a waste of time). I'll taste the beer once too, I like to try everything though it is a rare beer I drink again and again.

It seems to me that, in essence, this is a form of market research and viral marketing rolled into one. It's a fun idea but I see a few problems with it - I'm more Philosopher King in my brewing world.

Good luck and slainte mhath.
Well we will be working with a brewery so ideally it will end up being more than one batch, have to wait and see.

Would love to get some more of your thoughts on this Stu, especially where you think there may be problems. Email at danis@ourbrew.co.nz if you ever have some free time.
LOL, you must love those those sammies steve!
Pastrami and russian dressing. On rye, obviously.


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