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Check this out - with the big Lotto jackpot tonight this bit of kit might be finding a home in a homebrewers shed sometime soon.

Williams Warn personal brewer

Seems like theres a lot of local kiwi R&D gone into this with a pretty schmick looking end product.

I'm not sure it hits the mark for me though- not enough experimentation and learn as you go trial and error.



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I don't think Sam is saying this system is for lazy people at all. Just because you don't have time to brew doesn't make you a lazy person! This system is obviously targeted at people new to home brewing or people who've had a crack previously and failed for whatever reason. I think it looks great and does a job for some people.

It's not for me and it's not going to be for most of the people on this forum but I do think it will suit others, even though it's a bit pricey. Good on them I say! As for time spent on an All Grain brew, it takes me about 5 hours all up including cleaning. I'd say that is a large chunk of time and one of the reasons I can't commit to it every weekend. It's not enough to put me off though and I'll keep cracking on with my all grain brewing when I have the time because I know the outcome is worth it. Cheers!

Jacko, yes it is all about getting the guy who has failed or given up or never tried it to be able to make a great beer first time round, I was the latter and it was more enjoyable than drinking bottled beer, even though it is expensive WW has to start somewhere and until they have forward orders and volume on their side, it is going to be expensive, there has been a lot of blood sweat and tears poured into this machine over many years, it is not a big corporate that owns it, simply a few guys who have everything on the line.

I am looking to become a moore capable brewer and this machine has got me involved, hopefully it gets others interested as well.


Cheers Sam

I'm just curious, how long does it take you? A typical brewday takes me about 4.5 hours.
about 1 1/2 hours 2nd go with the instructions, will get faster once I get sorted

I would say good on you sam 

what you spend on your hobbies dose not come into it 

the guy how races stock cars  has just as much fun as the guy how races v8 touring 

so keep racing that WW unit and love your great beer

If it got you into homebrewing and makes beer you like I say its money well spent.


NZ's best homebrewer 2 years running and with over thirty entries into the NHC was a extrat brewer so to say exract beer is rubbish would be a lie. Even the Homebrewer before the current Champion was a Extract brewer.



Yeah - I get what you mean - its a damn pricey (but ever so slick) looking way to ferment and serve kit and kilo brews. 

I s'pose you could add whatever wort you wanted to the fermentor if LME wasn't the way you wanted to go - but then you'd need all the other AG kit to get you to that stage.

I'm pretty sure the target market isn't the likes of us who chew things over on here.

I'm pretty sure the target market isn't the likes of us who chew things over on here


Their just lucky there % of the market is global as there is fuck all market NZ who would put up with the beer that the WWPB could put out with the options it currently has.


I reacon I would need 2 of them to make the current beer im making. Also this sort of stuff aint new their are a couple of these setup in europe 1 which mashes (no beer fountain) and one which is pretty simlair but in the german copper look,


Invest in quality brewing equipment not just pretty equipment. However I would love for these dudes to prove me wrong

Mike, me again. when you understand what this machine really does you will realise that there is nothing like it in the world, I have seen the German one and it doesn't even come close and it was never designed to mash.

It is not just pretty, it is designed to be handed down to the next generation, and you are correct, you are not the target market.

I understand everything that it does and I appriciate how hard it can be to brew either personal time wise and brew time wise (word comes to mind stuck mash)


I think this machine still is non ingenious and its what I do every day of the week (apart from sundays) all they have done is fit it into a small foot print. I dont dobt its ability to last however, and I hope the WW guys are reading this as I think this would be the positive next step is to facilitate a mashing/lauter Kettle to the plant just a typical, 3 Vessel brew house and it would be the complete brewery.  

Mike, thanks, there is no doubt that it is a natural progression, I have no doubt that they will be thinking about it in the future. Don't hold your breath, the response from the homebrewing sector has been very unsupporting to say the least, considering it is a NZ thing and is very innovative, go and have a beer with Ian and see for yourself. They have had 17500 hits on the website and they are still coming. It is now on about 4000 web pages getting free advertising, so the interest around the world should help get them across the line.


Cheers Sam

Reminds me of the saying - an ingenious solution to a non-existent problem.


My favorite was the taste test - (http://www.williamswarn.com/The-Personal-Brewery/Blind-tasting-results) imagine 2 out of 3 of your premium offerings being beaten by Budwesier and Steinie Pure.


For the money(which I dont have) I would prefer a shiny Farra rig, tempmate fridge and keg setup 


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