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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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Cracker day in Welly and I spend the afternoon brewing in the garage - with a visit from Chris.


Had a comparision of our failed feijoa trees - must be the altitude - and talked about the North West Welly Ales we've brewed and sipped a couple of low og ales.


Great -  apart from a bit of guilt about missing that sunshine ...


I have been working on dropping a few KG, so not too much beer lately. However, after dropping 10kg, I decided to reward myself with a couple nice craft beers.


I found these beers at the pub 1/2 block away, dangerous. Two of these are from Thornbridge Breweries in the UK, and one from Sierra Nevada in Chico, CA.


Kipling - They call this a "South Pacific Ale". Apparently they must have some sauvin hops in this. (Or at least it tastes like it to me.) The adverts talk about the fruity nature of the beer, but I did not catch this. It seemed to have that overpowering taste one can get if he uses too much Sauvin early in the boil. Still not a bad drop, but I had much better homebrews in NZ. 5.2%?


Jai Pur - This is Thornbridge's IPA offering. I enjoyed this. WHilst it is hoppy, I would not call it a hop head beer. Instead, it had nice citrus notes, and seemed well balanced. Somewhere around 5.2 to 5.9%.


Sierra Nevada Hoptimum - I just cracked this bottle, having brought i home. A true hop head beer, this imperial IPA beer is. I know SN is not everyone's favourite, but they are still a solid brewer in my opinion.


I will be back in NZ at the end of April, and looking forward to some great beers there. Perhaps some in the Welly area would want to make a run to the Malthouse?

Hey Michael, we're due for a North Welly tasting in about a month which sound s like when you'll be back. Where are you staying ?

Keep in touch


cheers, jt

I will probably stay in Tawa, as it is quite convenient being one stop away from the city.


It would be great if there is a tasting at the time. Let me see if the TSA will let me take a six pack of something back.

Would be cool to catch up Michael - have you managed to do a brew over there yet or are you still working on the gas burner issues?


I cannot brew in my garage, as the tenancy agreements for these townhouses do not allow the use of gas burners. As such, I was going to convert the keggle to electricity, but figured I would not bother since I will be moving back to NZ eventually, and did not want to worry about switching voltages.


Having said this, I did get to bring some of my gear to a local homebrew club, and get a batch going. :)

thats ridiculous, how are you supposed to be kiwi and enjoy a bbq?!
You do it properly and use charcoal.
you mean manuka :)
Yup Charcoals good, but Manuka for the win.

Drinking ?


Matthew's Ringbinder.

i don't know why but I always expect a pitch black or real pale from Matthew so it's a change to get a nice brown, very dark copper ale.


I was surprised by the toffee, not too sweet, but nice toffee (I wouldn't mind some tips on that malt bill chap)

Liked the body too. Was there less carbonation than usual ?

Some hints of the yeast and a quaffable bitterness. Hints of the later hops, but I think Mr Taylor has the majority of them under wraps for now ... think they'll come through with a bit more condition ?


cheers. jt

The toffee is pretty much all from the pale crystal and a touch of caramalt. I think the Landlord has evicted the hops, they were prominent for the first few weeks but the malt and yeast have taken over. Carbonation was definitely lower and on purpose. All part of trying to keep to the ESB style. I wanted to try and replicate a real ale from the bottle.

Did you get any of that worty after taste?






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