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The southernhomebrewers site seems to be down at the moment so we might have to organise the Dunedin case swap here.
Proposed dates so far are 19 March or some other time that gets suggested. You will need to brew this weekend to make that date if you haven't already.
There might not be that many of us so you might not need a full crate full to participate.
who's in for the 19th?
who's on for later? (and when?)
OK lets confirm the date as 19th for picking up crates. I will have to double check with Trevor if he's ok with having DMH as the place for drop off of crates. If everyone ensures their crate is dropped off prior to the 19th or very first thing saturday 19th then people can pick them up on the saturday. And if that doesn't work out can we do it at yours JR?
I had been thinking 750's as well but 500ml does seem to be a common size around these parts. I will check with other peeps as to the size that they can do but for now shall we assume 750? Like JR mentioned I don't think anyone is going to cry over getting a 500ml bottle if some people don't do 750.
I haven't got any 750's so if anyone has a spare crate lying around then that would be just dandy.
I'll probably need by the end of next week. DMH is as good a place as any. I do think Trev will mind especially if we slip him a taster.
I have a crate you can grab.
We should try and do it at the malt house if possible, I dont want to commit to staying in Dunedin for the long weekend.
Cheers JR.
I'll flick you an email for pickup details.
Hey all,
Think I missed this round, I did brew on the weekend but that was a porter and will have to condition for a while (plus I bottle condition so there another 2 weeks 'till drinkability)
I'd been keen to contribute to a future swap once this ones done.
Drop off is Dunedin Malt House, on Hillside Road. You'll need to drop off your beer sometime before the 19th and pick it up on or shortly after the 19th. Or you could come in at opening time on the Saturday 19th (11am), maybe a few people will come then and can have a chat about the beer styles and help reshuffle the bottles.
Here's the protocol:
1. Get 12 bottles of one of your home brewed beers. All-grain or mini mash is definitley preferable. 750ml is the designated bottle size but if you happen to only have 500ml bottles of the beer you want to share, its no big deal. Make sure they're LABELLED in some way that is recognisable. It can just be a distinctive symbol / code on the cap, just make sure you put that on your recipe sheet so we can match one to the other.
2. Drop them off at the Dunedin Malt House, sometime in the week of the 14-18 march. Include with your crate you name, phone number and/or email, and the name and recipe of the beer that you're sharing in the crate swap.
3. Come to the Dunedin Malt House on Saturday the 19th of March to pick up your crate of mixed beers from the crate swap. You'll get a list of which beers are what and their recipes. I might print out a bit of a 'feedback sheet' where people can write comments about different aspects of each beer, which will be given back to each brewer at the end of it for their own information. Overall this is a casual thing - there won't be a 'winner' per se, the whole point is just to share some brews and get an idea of how different ingredients / brewing styles / beer styles affect the flavour.
Hey thanks a lot, that sounds good. Would it be ok to bring a crate of beer that still needed a week before drinking? I do have one already bottled and ready, however it's just an extract brew with some added hops.
Beer which still needs a bit of bottle conditioning is fine - just be sure to make that clear on your info sheet and I'll pass on the info to other crate recipients.
If the extract brew is decent I don't think we'll exactly break your kneecaps for including it, it would still fit with the purpose of the crate swap which is learning about different beer styles and brewing techniques. If you think that it is a good representation of the potential of extract then go for it. It's up to you really.
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