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The Malthouse Epic Tap Takeover - 15/12/10

The Malthouse Epic Tap Takeover - 15/12/10

15th December 2010
The Malthouse
48 Courtenay Place, Wellington
Doors open 12pm

8 Epic Beers - 1 Epic Bar

Try eight Epic beers on tap, for the first time in one location


This is the unofficial* 5th Birthday of Epic Brewing Company.

Also this is the official tap release of the Epic /Dogfish Head collaboration brew Portamarillo (as seen on Discovery Channel series Brew Masters, well seen in the US, NZ screen date to be announced)

Plus it's Christmas time.

Luke will also be announcing some really Epic news for 2011.

This will be the single most Epic event this year

On Tap
Epic Lager
Epic Pale Ale
Epic Mayhem
Epic Armageddon
Epic Thornbridge Stout
Epic Barrel IPA
Epic Barrel Stout
Epic / Dogfish Head Portamarillo

[* unofficial as it was the date of first bottling but didn't actually officially start selling commercially till the 1st May 2006 ]

[** also there will be a few bottles of 2007 Porter, and a small sample of Impropriety (the distilled Epic Pale Ale) ]

[*** the first 50 people get free Air Guitar rental for the evening, don't tell Colin]

Views: 257

Comment by nzbrewer on December 7, 2010 at 11:16am


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