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Beer sign on school bus - SST article - Setup or real story?

Today I was surprised to be reading the Sunday Star Times and find an article that had stemmed from a Twitpic http://twitpic.com/2znukp I had posted on Twitter a week before. What I thought was an innocent mistake and a bit of a laugh, has made the national weekend newspaper.
Really people, this is news?

So I have some thoughts about this.

1. if this makes the news, then we live in a really fantastic, easy going country, with little other serious news to really report on.

2. since I didn't get a credit for the photo, either next to the photo or in the article other than "rival brewing company" then it is possibly a PR setup so DB can get some extra free advertising for Summer
Ale (nice work if you are that clever)

3. Sunday Star Times - not cool stealing my photo for your gain and profit. And even worse if it was a setup to help promote Summer Ale. At least give me a credit if you are going to steal from me. (Please see
Twitpic Terms of Service - http://twitpic.com/terms.do - All images uploaded are copyright © their respective owners)

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