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Nzbrewer's Blog (27)

Epic + Thornbridge = kiwi collabrotive brew

Just a quick update, I'm returning to the UK on the 13th April to pull the first pint of the Epic Pale Ale I brewed a few weeks ago at Everards in Leicester for the JD Wetherspoons International Real Ale Festival.

While I am there I am going to be doing a collaborative brew with Kelly Ryan (kiwi) at Thornbridge Brewery. We are thinking of doing a double IPA. Will keep you posted as things develop.

Thinking of a weekend in Belgium, any tips on where to go, or what to see?

Added by nzbrewer on April 6, 2009 at 7:59pm — 3 Comments

Map of the Pubs I visited in England

I have started a Google Map that plots the pubs I visited while in the UK recently. I hope to get this finished in the next week before I head back to the UK for another tour. I am 90% there on the pubs. I still need to download all my tweets for that period to cross reference the beers tweeted with notes recorded. …


Added by nzbrewer on April 2, 2009 at 9:32pm — 4 Comments

An Epic amount of media coverage

Going to the UK to do a brew has been a good angle for a story for many of the media. Here is a list of recent Epic Beer coverage. Even though several didn't end up saying much or anything about the UK brewing adventure, such as Campbell Live, it has all been good coverage.


13th - TV3 Sunrise (still looking for link)

10th - Campbell Live



Added by nzbrewer on March 13, 2009 at 10:30am — 1 Comment

Mayhem Outlets

Here is a list of outlets you can buy Mayhem from.

Added by nzbrewer on February 25, 2009 at 8:24am — No Comments

Kumeu Beer Wine & Food Festival - 5 Epic Beers

Just for those that can make it to the Kumeu Beer Festival there are going to be 5 Epic Beers available

Epic Pale Ale
Epic Lager
Epic Mayhem
Epic Porter 2007
Epic Armageddon

So come by and say hi.


Shame the 16 most keen beer drinkers in Auckland will be on Waiheke today ;-(

Added by nzbrewer on February 14, 2009 at 7:59am — 4 Comments

More Epic

I guess I should use this blog space for updating what is happening with Epic Beer.

The biggest news right now is the invitation to brew 100,000 pints of Epic Pale Ale at Everard's Brewery in Leicester for the JD Wetherspoons International Real Ale Festival. The brew days are 16th & 17th March. Press Release will follow soon.

The beer will be cask conditioned and dry hopped in cask and be available at the festival through the 700+ pub chain for the two weeks the… Continue

Added by nzbrewer on February 11, 2009 at 9:58pm — No Comments

Start your own beer blog on RealBeer.co.nz 3.0 beta

Everyone on the RealBeer.co.nz 3.0 website can have a blog.

This will be cool if people take the time to contribute

Let's see what happens

Added by nzbrewer on November 17, 2007 at 1:08pm — No Comments

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