I needed a place to record my recent trip to the USA to answer all those questions people have asked me about it.
The main reason for my trip was to judge at the 2010 World Beer Cup, then attend the Craft Brewers Conference. I thought I would take the time before the event to check out the beer scene in the US since it had been two years since I had been there.
So this first part is my few days in San Francisco.
I just found I never posted or actually finished this blog post. So I am just going to post it as is. I am now working on my recent US trip, hopefully it won't take a year to finish and go live
Date: 18th & 19th April 2009
People: Luke Nicholas (Epic), Colin Mallon (The Malthouse) and Derek "Analysis" Walsh (International Beer Judge, including BrewNZ Beer Awards 2007)
So how did we get to this point, a little background maybe. Well I was in London for a follow… Continue