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Well, surely its coming up to that time, so im thinking maybe October for CS8


Expressions of interest please to get an idea of numbers.. Hopefully a full swap given the new number of case swap members recently!!


Fu*k knows what im going to brew for this.. Will have to think of something a bit different I think.

Views: 2193

Replies to This Discussion

Keen for another go too - count me in, and I'd prefer November.

I will put my hat in. Prefer November.
I'm in. Happy with October.
November for me after I win all my golds... (here)
I'm a tentative yes.
I'll get amongst!
Keen, either month should be OK for me...
Count me in, first batch using Wyeast going on this weekend but have plenty of 1-3month old beers 'in stock' for October swap.

Lambic Ale in my opinion! Or a fruit ale of some description given the popularity of this style of beer at the recent Beervana :D

^ huh?


edit : Not everyone in the case swap has to brew the same style, that isnt the point of this, thats more the WBC's thing. The point of the case swap is to give out a brew, and get a mixed case back...

mmmmmm a mixed case of awesomeness!! Drooool. I'm a tentative yes

Everyone should make a fruit ale. There is more than one type of fruit out there :D



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