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Belgian Pale Ale

Baird's UK Pale
Weyermann Premium Pilsner (because i ran out of pale)
Weyermann Caramunich II
Weyermann Caraaroma
Weyermann Carafa II Special

Motueka @ 60min
0.5g/L Motueka 7.5%aa @ 15 and 0min.

1.043, 20ibu, WLP550 18c... rising to 22c.

Probably a bit undercarbonated (and certainly underconditioned) due to my unique way carbonating.
I've now got the second keg in the fridge.

It's my second crack at a similar Belgian pale ale. Formulating another recipe this week and it'll head back closer to where the first one was... stronger, paler, a touch hoppier and less toasty.

Views: 132

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Pours a deep copper with a tight white head, aroma of sweet malt and hints of banana with a sublte spicy motueka type thing going on... Taste is toasted caramel with a dry finish, hints of spice as well! Very moreish!

Nice beer mate, cheers ;o)
Shared with my Father in law
Deep copper red with a rocky tightly packed off-white head. Clove and spice on the nose, hint of banana.
Super refreshing to taste, toasty melanoidin-rich malty and spicy, good medium mouthfeel and a long motueka-filled finish in perfect balance.

Lovely beer, expertly brewed. A real class act. Cheers Stu.
As usual, not looked at the other comments on this.

Another gorgeous looking beer. Copper/mahogany in colour, brilliantly clear with an off-white head that lasts all the way down the glass.

Lovely fresh-baked bread aroma, with a hint of spiciness lurking in the background.

Extremely complex palate. Juicy malt with toasty overtones jousting with a hint of bitterness. Full-bodied and lovely.

Man this is a good beer. I've always been a bit dubious about Belgian pales in the past. Generally they tend to be a bit too Belgian with not enough pale. This one was like a good English pale fermented with Belgian yeast - it trod the line perfectly. Excellent work Stu.
So Stu, what was the secret ingredient?
Some other creamy substance maybe?
European ale yeast... I was concerned that I'd underpitched so I added a wee started of WLP011.

Has anyone compared Plan K with Red Rackham? Any preferences? I prefer the Plan K... Red Rackham was too cloying for me. I always enjoyed the first half of the glass but not the second half.
You never told us what that special ingredient was in the end did you.

I reckon it was a bit of that molasses.
Nah it was a dunkofnuts. Nah it sounds like it was the WLP011
Yes.... now that you mention it... it looks like you could be right. I suppose one could interperet Stu's explaination as such.

Very intuitive Mike... Good reading comprehension... Very good.
Cracked my second to last stubbie of this last night (I bottle off beers when I'm no longer interested in drinking it off tap). I had been meaning to have one of these with Joking over the weekend, as he'd brought down his Plan J, but instead I threw a few big boys (and a BIG curry) at him - PKB (remixed), His Majesty and Uinta XVI Anniversary Barleywine.

Hells teeth! If you put Red Rackham next to Plan K right now I'd struggle to tell the difference!! There's actually a little hint of green banana in Red Rackham but besides that it seems like the same beer - the age has helped drop the cloying character that I didn't like in the early days.


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