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Well seeing as most people have finished their CS4 beers, I propose sorting a date and numbers for CS5...


As I will be away in march and april, im thinking late May early June?? That would give me enough time to get something done after I get back!


So who is keen?

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Ever so sorry guys, Martin was a legend and brought me round some Co2 so my beer is all in bottles and will hopefully be getting everything posted saturday morning or monday at the latest...

Again, massive apologies for the delay, life got the better of me this time round haha

Also, I want to say a big thanks to Simon for getting his end sorted asap, much appreciated mate!!
you slacker ;-)
Haha, if its any consolation I am crook as currently with a chest infection so my motivation has been extremely low, I havent even had a beer in the last week??? But thats no excuse really ;oP haha
Man, why didn't you say you had the man flu!!! Saying that wouldn't think Auckland would get cold enough.
"Auckland would get cold enough."

Funny you say that, its called climatising and it sucks, I still remember when I first moved to Aucks from welly and it was warm all year round, the next year wasnt so friendly to me :o( You get used to it so quickly...
Dude, I could never get used to Aucks..... too many Aucklanders! :-p

Wellington is much better IMHO, or Bay of Plenty...
I came from welly, and I agree it is awesome, but its too cold, and wages are lower...

And Bay of Plenty?? Come on mate, no one wants to live there :oP hahaha
So CS beer should be ready to pick up from Tyler early next week?


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