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Gentlemen start your kettles!

CS3 was fantastic with some of the beers entered in the case swap winning medals at the SOBA NHC. A big congratulations to Mr Cherry for Torsion, an obvious favourite in the case swap which hit the numbers for the NHC judges.

Another big thank you to those who provided feedback on the beers, and Stu for his musically inspired feedback!

Only 16 places are available for the case swap so those who wish to be involved in CS4 please reply to this thread by September 25th so plans can be made. If we get more people than places we will run a lottery.

The date scheduled for the swap will be December 11th, which will hopefully make it possible to get our beers around the country without too many issues with the post (and make for an interesting Christmas).

Any issues or opinions, please let us know as there was quite a bit of discussion about this for CS3.


Views: 222

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13 Bottles. John would make 14 if he's in.
I count 13 players. That means we supply 12 bottles each no?
{cough} Stand corrected... {/cough}

I need food...
Steeping Hops is Matthew before he changed is nick name on here! :)
He's dead to me. His beer was awful!

Mine's a bit betterer...

Unfortunately, and at the last minute, I'm going to have to pull my name. I had a birthday BBQ on Saturday and all three kegs I had were emptied. I was expecting to have enough left, but my mates enjoyed it more than I thought they would. Big apologies if it seriously screws up the numbers.

And I'm seriously gutted cause I now have no beer for Xmas!
Sweet as for me. It's a great feeling when your beer is popular. Shame we miss out though :)

So that means 11 bottles to fill tonight, any advance on that?
Looks like 11... which is a bonus as my Pilsner is gettin tasty if I do say so!
I don't want to start a logistic nightmare of 11 different bottles, but would it be alright if I send glass (renaissance) bottles? I'm not sure if my smoked porter is gonna attenuate in time and have got stock piles of bottles I can send instead?
That will probably increase the cost to ship them, what do 11 glass bottles full weigh? There would need to be additional packaging too.
Hmm, that's a good point...
Can you send me an MPA?! :-P

I don't have a problem with that, just label the best ones and the three of us can fight over them before we ship them out...


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