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Gentlemen start your kettles!

CS3 was fantastic with some of the beers entered in the case swap winning medals at the SOBA NHC. A big congratulations to Mr Cherry for Torsion, an obvious favourite in the case swap which hit the numbers for the NHC judges.

Another big thank you to those who provided feedback on the beers, and Stu for his musically inspired feedback!

Only 16 places are available for the case swap so those who wish to be involved in CS4 please reply to this thread by September 25th so plans can be made. If we get more people than places we will run a lottery.

The date scheduled for the swap will be December 11th, which will hopefully make it possible to get our beers around the country without too many issues with the post (and make for an interesting Christmas).

Any issues or opinions, please let us know as there was quite a bit of discussion about this for CS3.


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Ive moved to BNZ, been needing a change for a while now, and working down the road from brew on quay has got to be a good thing :o)

Sweet, 4th it is then..
Just for clarity.....

I'm in the auckland group, send my 14 beers to reviled by the 4th of Dec with an extra courier ticket to get a box back Mid Dec?
Thats the one, plus you will also need to chip in for the bulk postage, or if you can get a deal on courier tickets let me know as I will need to send all of the auckland beers to wlgtn and chch... Sadly it is a bit more expensive if youre not in one of the main centres..
Really sorry to do this at this late stage but I'm going to have to pull out of this round. I have nothing available and work commitments mean that I'm unlikely to have anything ready in time.

It's all gone to custard a bit recently.
Hey Guys, first time with this case swap. Do I go buy a 15 pack of those brewcraft brown plastic bottles to do the swap in?
If you don't have any already - no need to buy new ones. 750ml PETs.
Dudes just realised this is like in 2 weeks!! I have no beer!! I'm afraid I'm out.
3 and a bit weeks isn't it? Dec 11?

Hope so, doing mine tomorrow... You'll just have to divie up that stout ;-)
Real I thought it was the 4th? If it is the 11th you are going to be drinking a 7.5% Belgian Golden Strong, lite in body and as dry as the summers in Afghanistan.
I guess we can move it to the 11th if it means no one drops out, Martin could you russle something up by then??
Ok Brewing this just for you fellas!! well actually making 50L of the stuff!!

87% Global Pilsner
7% Dextrose
5% Belgian Candy Sugar (Clear)

66 Mash

22Ibus Of Motueka @ 15

Unibroue Yeast (pitched at 18 rasied to 24 over 6 Days)

1.070 - 1.008 8%abv
I might be able to, but I'm really not sure. Work is crazy busy at the moment so I'm not sure I'll get chance to brew. Best to plan without me.


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