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Bit of a stuff up as I designed this beer for us-05 but the local brew shop had none the day after I brewed so I had to go with T-58, but the beer turned out quite balanced, well, you be the judge..

Ran out on the 16th bottle so unfortunately someone has a rogue NZ amber, be interesting to see if you can spot it ;)

Pour hard cos I carbonate low

20 litre batch

2.5kg Golden Promise
600g kolsch
600g wheat
200g caramunich 2
80g caraamber
80g caraaroma

30 - 15g centennial 9.2%
20 - 40g ahtanum 4.8%
15 - 15g amarillo 8.2%
5 - 20g ahtanum 4.8%
0 - 20g centennial, 10g amarillo

OG - 1.047
FG - 1.014
IBU - 40

Views: 133

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Looking forward to it Rev, those hops look damn tasty.

"those hops look damn tasty"


Im just a bit gutted that they don't 'pop' like a really good APA, however, that could be a quality of Ahtanum, Glen said that it was quite subtle.

Ahtanum is very subtle. It's a great hops to substitute noble varieties to make new world type pilsners etc... but it doesn't really stand up against a heavy caramel / melanoidin type backbone....


.... unless you use heaps.


.... like David Wood.


Ahtanum has a rather low oil content - I believe this to be the main contributor to its subtlety.

Definitely keen to try Ahtanum in a belgian APA Rev - and to see what T-58 adds to the package.  Sometimes those serendipitous discoveries only come when the brew doesn't quite go to plan!
Someone drink this already!!!
Drinking it now, feedback coming...

Tiniest bit of sediment at the bottom of the bottle, a careful pour yields a thin off white head. Appearance is slightly hazy pale amber. Intriguing nose, juicy fruit esters from the yeast, citrus and stonefruit (apricot/peach) come through as the pint warms. Belgian phenolics come through in the taste, a firm bitterness lingers into the dry finish.Thin mouthfeel.


An interesting stuff up/ experiment. Definitely a well brewed beer, I'd drink another. Thanks for sharing!

When you say there's a random NZ Amber in there is that code for NZ Draught?
Lol of course not

I'm stumped about what I got then - carbonation is definitely not the usual Rev special! This bad boy was leaping out of the glass even on a relatively gentle pour... 


Either my nose/palate are rooted or this beer was subtler than I'm used to because I really struggled to pick out flavours/aromas that stood out. Carbonation aside it's definitely a quaffer though - pretty light mouthfeel with a mild biscuity malt flavour in the middle and a gentle, crisp bitterness to finish things off. A good clean ferment.


I'm not totally sure what to make of it - I'm certain it's not the belgian APA though!

Sounds like you got the NZ amber mate..

Matt - Are you serious? That sucks, must have been an infected bottle (what was the old label on it out of interest?) :( sorry about that
Yeh sorry man, no worries though. The old label is "Test Subject Pale Ale"


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