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Ok I have just ordered and picked up all the parts I need for my stir plate and 15 test tubes. My thinking is I should start Harvesting Yeast. Is my thinking correct about harvesting yeast? If I have a wyeast smack pack, can I split these up into say 5 equal test tubes and seal them off, when I am ready to make a starter, I just start with a five hundred mls starter, then after 24 hrs increase this by adding an additional 500mls to the flask and then so on untill I hit my desired yeast count as per say Mr Malty? Did I even make sense? what do you guys do to make your Wyeast go alittle further than 1 batch?

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That's proabably cheaper than our home built stir plates... I'll see if we can get a photo!
You have to get the Stirplate, mate. You will never see one for that price anywhere in NZ.
except for this one haha
Now that's a thought.... remove the blades and replace with plastic stirrer.... wonder what the RPMs are...
or attach magnets and place a piece of plastic over the top and regulate the current and its all go
Here's the pic. Just emailed asking what size flask would fit on it.

"Made In China"

Gotta love that China... They've done wonders for the world economy.
Rec'd this from Labwarehouse: there's only 2 left now ;-)

"HI Garrick

the diameter is 120mm - but you could overlap a bit

the arm comes off

2 small stir bars come free

it has a 240V to 12 volt power supply - provided (actually 12V not 24V -
will correct today)

only three in stock next shipment three months"
I thought I might buy a good quality thermometer from there, until I saw the price.


Just looked at the stir plate but it has been removed. Have they been snapped up that quick???
$3k for a thermo?? Geezuz, what a joke! And to think you can get thos baby thermos for cheap as, maybe 20 bucks and theyre super duper accurate!
Must have - Fess UP BAS Whores!

BAS: Brewgear Acquisition Syndrome.
They probably put the cost price on there!


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