Guy's, cracked my Oktoberfest on the weekend, it was the last bottle to be filled off the yeast cake so might have had a bit too much yeast in the bottle. Recipe was 57% Vienna, 38% Munich, 4% Melanoidin. When I poured the first glass it looked fine but the second glass was full of what looked like yeast floaties, the beer was going mental, like a ferment in the glass kinda thing.
Tried another two bottles tonight, one which was last but one to be filled, and one from the middle of the batch, both had the same thing, just not to the same degree. Beer tastes ok, looks ok. Used gelatine for the first time but doubt it's that as lots of others use it too.
Any ideas what it could be? Not fully fermented? Infection? Could it be too much sugar to carb? I went 5g per 750ml bottle and beer was fermented at 10c for 11 days where it was stable at 1.014 down from 1.050 and then lagered for 2 weeks at 2c.