Any Ideas on a Beer I should brew this weekend? it was going to be a IIPA again but I have got enough of those, Im drinking an Smoked Imperial Stout at the moment and its realy got me thinking any ideas? But not an RIS or IIPA or Old Ale as That in 2 weeks.
You need to step up production then mate ;o) Dont let it get on top of you lol
Sometimes ill do 2 brews in a week just to make sure ive got stock, I admit it can be a challenge making sure youve got 3 different beers on tap at all times, but its definately fun, specially when youve got some bottles stashed away as well :o)
Yeah I got the gear for it but if I do double batches, I realy want to split hop the batch which in turns leaving the other 29L sitting there waiting to be boiled which could be upto 3 hrs maybee its time to invest in another burner and make another cooler!! Just sampled the wort somethings deffintly happening!! its turning sour not that sour yet but it Honks!!! Its all gouch sweat thats been fermenting in some transvestites penis tucker away g-string!! oh and a little Sulphar!!
Now its been 48hrs Since I mashed in. Just sampled the Wort and its all DMS cooked corn and not sour like I had expected. I just wounder by boiling now will I realease the DMS and by that reducing the Tinned corn smell and taste? or is it stuck in there?