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Any Ideas on a Beer I should brew this weekend? it was going to be a IIPA again but I have got enough of those, Im drinking an Smoked Imperial Stout at the moment and its realy got me thinking any ideas? But not an RIS or IIPA or Old Ale as That in 2 weeks.

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Funny that it prevents flatulence in people:
Beano is an enzyme-based dietary supplement that is used to reduce gas in the digestive tract, thereby preventing flatulence.

but not in beer:
Homebrewers who add Beano to their beer fermentation should expect to see slightly lower final gravity readings than they are used to for a given recipe, so should wait until they get two identical hydrometer readings at 24 hours apart before deciding that the fermentation has finished. Not doing so may increase the risk of exploding beer bottles.

As an aside, I was talking to someone at work today about hating explaining what I do for a job (I said I should just say "dentist" or "marine biologist"). She said "Yeh, like Glynn Foster, what does he do?". I said "He sits around in pubs drinking beer and hooked up to their free wireless".

I was going to show her a picture as evidence but Mark's "booted" girlfriend and JoKings big grinning Daddyface distracted me...
Can't argue with that :)

All pubs (especially the Malthouse, cough) should provide free wireless. I know several geeks who frequent The Twisted Hop a hell of lot more now that they have wireless - many are 100 pint members.
Here we go Fellas heres my planned brew...........

Berliner Weiss

1.8kg Wheat
1.8Kg Pils Malt
5-8ibus Of Old Hops more Lambic than Berliner I know but those Belgians are guns at brewing!!


Sour Mash For 36 hrs but before this im going to run 1L of wort for a Lactic Starter using a bit of milled grain.
Hopefully this works?????

Thursday Im going to reheat Mash, Sparge than Boil for 20mins to kill any other bacteria, dosnt make sense but that what im going to do, Cool than Pitch starter and some US05. This purley an Experiament and Expect nothing!!

Looks Like a Coffee Stout also for Sat!! Any other Advice on Brew?
My hat goes off to you mate, nice experimenting :o) Should be an interesting beer to say the least...
I'll Give anything a go will be going into this with eyes wide open!! I dont even know if my Sour starter will take off!! I this if anything will show how hard or how easy it is to get an infection!!
Mashed in at 4.30, ran off 400mls of wort and diluted to 1.040 for my Adm Pils Malt Nasties Starter Pitched handfull of Crushed Grain at 35 degrees also added abit of yeast nutrient dont know if it will help or not. First Mash that I have brewed that smelt like a Earl Grey T-bag must be the 90g of Tettanger thats in it. Man I wounder what this is realy going to be like. I wounder if you would brew a worse beer!! its that this beer seems wrong!! I think If this dosnt Turn out I might give it ago again in November for summer. As the ones I tried in Berlin were pretty special!!
I did a sour mash once, it works. I had no idea what I was doing and ended up dumping the batch.

Make sure you cover the mash with some tin foil touching the very top of the mash, less oxygen = less acetic/vinegar character.

All this talk of Berliner has made me want to brew one, just lacking the bugs and don't fully trust the sour mash.
I Defintly will be giving it a go again!! But I trust it more with convetional brewing and the use of bugs The only problem is the $58 for genuine Lacto and a Eurpean Yeast culture for a 3% brew ouch!! I have allready covered the mash with tin foil as sour and oxidation are 2 difrent beasts!! I just hope it hasnt soured up by tomorrow night!! as I cant finish it off then!!
Sweet as, just though I would mention the foil, wouldn't want you to end up with 20L of vinegar ;-)

Yeah, the cost of those little maltose munchers for this is a little high, I gotta figure out if I can farm these in the freezer the same way I do with yeasts, can't see why not.

I wanna brew a Kriek as well, but the cost of cherries is killer too.

A sour beer is in my near future I think, probably a berliner, gueze or something similar, don't think I can handle the years of aging and blending involved with lambics.
I have thought about purchasing the Rosalere Strain long and hard. But I wouldnt drink enough of it to justify an experiment of sorts, dont get me wrong I love flemish sours and the like but when can go buy a 750ml bottle Rodenbach Grand Cru for $13 its hardly worth it!!
Come on boys, if anyone can handle the years of aging and blending its us, we still have plenty of years ahead so we better get cracking :oP lol

Im def gonna start looking into bug brewing - after the Old ale ill have a cube that I wont want to use for anything else, so I may as well ;o)
Mate I got a APA in the fermenter at the moment and its allready missing a litre, I can see this being drunk within the next 2 weeks let along aging a beer!! lol


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