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Sorry for jacking everyones threads and going off topic.

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But opening the cube to put hops in??? Scary stuff, I only open the cube when im dumping into the fermenter and get yeast in that bitch asap!
Come on bro - you'll be right! It's only 10 seconds or so. It's no different to opening the fermenter for a smell - or to dry hop the secondary!

Put it this way - if you ruin a batch doing it like that... you can blame me!
lol, allright then, ill give it a go, and if its ruined its all your fault ;oP haha
Hey - wanna have a few beers next week guys? I"ve got 2 weeks in Auckland - but no car no mates and nothing to do!

I wont have any homebrew either...
Allways keen mate, ive got a car and homebrew, oh and mates, but they dont make beer so they aint cool :oP haha
I'll probably be up for a beer or two. Should still have 3 kegs in the fridge if you want to come round mine one evening, or we can meet up somewhere.
I think it's quite an interesting observation that what is being made available by craft breweries, seasonally influences what we are brewing at home. "Golden Boy", "Paradox" I'm sure I've heard of others this summer, but I can't remember them off the top of my head.

Then I had a look through the "what are you brewing" thread... I've brewed 2 Blonde Ales, JT is on to mark IV, Denimglen is getting into it - there are others too. It's funny - Summer time 07/08 I brewed APA in December, Hefe on 6-1-08, Pils on 7-1-08, Koelsch 26-1-08, Hefe 19-2-08.

I find it interesting how seasonal the brewing really is - but more so, how trends influence the seasonal brew - last year Hefeweizen was the business - this year it's Blonde Ale.

Any predictions for the summer of 09/10?
Radlers :)
Blande Ale Mk XV by then I suspect.

I can be a boring brewer and continually brew / tweak the same 3 or 4 recipes until I get sick of them and start all over again
Light ales are the business this year. Since 11/7 have brewed a kolsch and English Summer Ale (which were both closer to blondes) and brewing a blonde at the moment.

Can't say the commercials/crafts were any influence though, well not consciously anyway.

Predictions for next summer? Should have aced temp control by then so will probably be brewing some lighter lagers.
More pilsners... with fruit....


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