What is everyone's #1 favourite style of beer, and how much do you actually brew it? How long has it been your favourite style, and how often does your pallate change?
Mine's APA. But when I look through my brewing log in chronological order I see: Bitter, IPA, Blonde, Hefeweizen, Pilsener, Blonde, IPA, Bitter, Wit, Bitter, IPA (started out as a Pale Ale but changed on brewday), APA, and Porter (17 June 2008).
Is there something I'm missing here? I mean - I dont even like bitters all that much, but I've been trying to brew one that I like and it gnaws away at me till I get it right!
Lately to get my APA fix, I've been lining Lukes pockets. I think I deserve a subsidy, Luke... I'll wear an Epic Sticker?????
Ha, I'm the same with bitters. I want to nail it, but I'm not sure that I haven't already.
To my palette, APA's are the easiest to drink by far. They just taste consistently fantastic. Maybe it's the legacy of shitty mainstream beers that makes us love on the hops so much?
Mine has to be and im torn between 2, Ameriacn IPA and Smoked beers, I have liked them since I tased them back in 05 @ the CAMRA great british beer festival. My pallete does change but that is usualy after drinking far to many of them the night before. I brew them as much as I can!! And I have 3 Big Versions to brew in the next couple of weeks!
Being bottled tonight finished at 1.031 a bit high. But I figure it is due to the Mash temps and the amount of grist that was in the mash tun. I think there was quite a few hot spots and the grain bed only rose to 69 during sparge. This is why I am going to try the split mash on Monday for my Imp Smoked Porter/Stout. As for pitching on the yeast cake, I think it turned out fine, Controlling the temp and not letting it getting over 20 deg would of helped out in the overpitch senario. But all in all kinda happy.
Im similair to Mike, Hoppy as hell Pale ales and Smoked beers, smoked beer was the reason I got into AG cos I just had to try one after reading about it, and Pale Ales are just so easy to make right and allways tasty, and they can be drunk fresh as, 7 days from brew day to pass my lips if im desperate :o)
My palate is weird; my two favourite styles are Imperial IPA's or Wee Heavy/Scotch ales....talk about diametrically opposed!!!
I haven’t even brewed an Imp IPA although I have done a Wee Heavy and was happy to get a silver for it :0)
APA’s and AIPA’s are the beers I brew the most of and I’m generally not at all happy with them…to be fair I’m embarrassed by them!
Permalink Reply by jt on January 15, 2009 at 11:31am
I brewed one bitter that knocked my socks off as an extract & grains a few years ago and was never able to, and still can't replicate it.
I've given up chasing a style and nowadays I classify my beers by colour - brown or pale and dominant hop - Willamette Brown or Hallertau Pale
Permalink Reply by jt on January 15, 2009 at 11:44am
Piece of cake, just like anything else really.
The pain is making it not how you like it, but how you want it to be ... expectation is a damned pain in the rear
I've been brewing the Bitters - 'cos I had some Bob Hudsons, and I was all Goo Goo, Gaa Gaa. Bitter and twised kicked some Ass - and at the time "Old Burton" was a ripper. Come back to the JoKing brewery, and it's all like - how the hell do they do that? I follow the ferment instructions and sit around the 18's, you know - but for this TTL I'm all about 20-21 degrees. I'm sure now, that Poppa Smurf is kicking it at those temps. You know what I mean?