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I've been acting as the Auckland regional coordinator for SOBA for about 2 years now and in that time the membership has grown quite significantly, but the attendance at monthly meetings has (at best) stayed roughly the same. On several occasions I've sought your views on meeting venues, dates/times of meetings etc. but never had much feedback. It's disheartening to organise these events and get poor attendance.

Recently I came to the view that perhaps part of the problem was that we lacked focus, so I've suggested that we choose an issue to get behind for the next year. The chosen issue is that of getting more establishments in Auckland to stock craft beer, and the plan was to kick this off at next Saturday's meeting at Galbraith's Alehouse (Sat 13th March @ 2pm). So far, despite publicising this meeting on this mailing list, on the SOBA website, on the RealBeerNZ forum & on Facebook, I have had only 3 confirmed attendees respond to me.

So, perhaps I've reached the end of the road. Maybe people are voting with their feet and telling me that they don't want this kind of meeting and organization. If so, that's fine. I can step back and let someone else come forward and organise members how they think fit. I don't want to do this, because I think that SOBA in Auckland can be a powerful force for craft beer. I find it embarrassing that all the big craft beer events happen in Wellington or Nelson but we CAN do something about this. It does, however, need people to put some effort in. As with most things in life, you get out what you put in.

Galbraith's Alehouse this Saturday will therefore be my Last Chance Saloon. If we get a good turnout of SOBA members who are keen to do something about improving the availability of craft beer in Auckland then I'll keep going. If not, then I'll step aside and leave someone else to organise meetings going forward (or not, if that's what people want).

Let me know if you're planning to come along on Saturday so I can reserve an area.

Cheers & beers,


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I am coming and bringing my massive spare brain and extra liver..Also three new beer venues to add to Aucklands sorry list...one of these is creating a 40 beer beer list!
That is some truely exciting news!! Im looking forward to Saturday :o)
Sounds fascinating - I'm looking forward to it.
As I said in my email on the SOBA list Martin, the support and enthusiasm towards the group is there from me, and I'd assume most do too, otherwise they wouldn't pay the fee to join.

There's two things that stand out for me personally, and I think have been mentioned in this thread already - the time of the meetings and the just how spread out Auckland is. So I'll chuck my two cents in...

The early arvo just seems to be an awkward time maybe? I'd say for most a morning meet up is out of the question - a couple too many and you've written off most of the day, kind of a similar deal around midday and the afternoon. Early evening could be a bit better maybe, like 5 - 6ish? Most people are ready to crack the first one by this time anyway, and if the meeting lasts a few hours you've still got the rest of the evening to play with. Also maybe Fridays would be better - I dunno about you guys but after a shithouse week at work sitting down and drinking a beer and talking about beer is all I wanna do.

I dunno about others but the meeting places and members are so spread out, whereas maybe not the case with Welly and Nelson? Even for me the relatively short distance from my place in Mt Wellington to a venue like Hallertau means I can't make it - I need to find someone to come with me who won't drink, or someone to play taxi for me. And trying to convince someone to go to a great place like that and not enjoy a few beers is a bit of a mission.

All n all Martin you're doing a great job, there's no way in hell I'd be able to do it.
Good points Glen. I spoke to Stu about this to get his feedback on how Wellington handle it. It appears guys from the Hutt, don't make many meeting either, for obvious reasons. They also went through a stage last year, when attendances weren't that brilliant either. So I wouldn't feel too despondent, because I don't think we are alone.

I feel confident, we will iron this out and it's going to be a good year for SOBA Auckland
And trying to convince someone to go to a great place like that and not enjoy a few beers is a bit of a mission.

Yep, that's hard. But I've been to a few in Welly where I've driven and only had two drinks - after all, it's not all about the beer is it ?
I'll comment here as a non-Aucklander who has been to a few AKL meetings and always had a great time.

First, I agree with Glen 100%, but I also see jt's point. While one can (and should) get to the meetings to say hi, chuck in some input, and generally be part of the thing, it can be tricky to resist having a few when in such great company with good beer flowing free. I've been VERY lucky in having a wife who has often been happy to drive me around (and pick up others too on occasion, when we don't already have a full car), so it's a little hypocritical of me to say "harden up". That said, I've made at least three Auckland meetings when I did have to drive, and that's travelling from Hamilton. If I can do it... ;)

I'd recommend good coordination and carpooling among members. It's known a long time in advance where and when the meetings are going to be (because Martin is just generally awesome), so carpooling with maybe one person rotating the driving duty each meeting could be an option? Sure, it's always going to suck for someone, but that's life.

Massive thanks to Martin for all the work he's put in so far. Auckland meetings always make me feel welcome (other than the odd hillbilly joke - Barb and Grant, I'm looking at you! ;) and I've never failed to have an excellent time. There are only so many places to go though, and I see great value in picking a goal, and having regular meetings to collaborate on furthering that goal.
I've not really read this and shouldn't really even have the time to comment (ssshh, don't tell the boss).

I suggest you talk to Ian Caig and Nick Paige about what has been happening down here in Wellington. We've gone from hardly a showing to a great turnout everytime (or at least ever second time, which is about how much I make it).

I am sure that switching to week nights will improve things. What time to have the meetings then becomes the key question - and that might be quite different to what we do here (a city of your size comes with disadvantages, so they tell me).
I'd suggest early in the week where less social events clash and the bars you are visiting will be quiet - a chance to take over and let yourselves be known... and possibly a chance to get some sort of deal for the group.

Remember most of all that this should be fun. Don't make it a "meeting", make it a social event. Sure, people can bring their ideas, you can talk some SOBA business but if it is not fun then nobody will come. Chill out, have a great beer. Those who want to be active will rise to the surface. The most formal part of most Wellington meetings is a little bit of news and a call to arms regarding volunteering etc... we're certainly not sitting around a board table, we're standing around drinking beer and having chat and a laugh.

The work of the committee goes unnoticed, though certainly unappreciated [reminder to self, ply them with more beer].

hope one thing I've ranted about helps (or, at least that I've reinforced what someone else has said).

Good luck Martin, you're a good man.

Due to the nature of what I do means that I would not be able to make many meetings but as a Publican of one of the few premises that stocks purely craft beers I believe that the work you do is invaluable to the region and I am sure that just as I often look at pubs full to the brim with people consuming shall we say less than appealling brown liquid and wonder why, that for you also there is the frustration of getting all the believers in one place at the same time but please hang in there as I, as a purveyor of quality beer appreciate the work of SOBA in getting the wider market to appreciate and understand that beer need not be a flavourless brown thing, that it can heighten the taste buds and stimulate debate. If Tahi can help in any way please do not hesitate to get in touch. Please hang in there mate.
Are we all gonna fit in Galbraiths on saturday now? ;o)


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