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I have some WY1968 in the fridge that I recovered from the last batch I made with 1968.  I went through the process of rinsing it with water and whatnot.. But three months or so have
passed and I still haven’t used it.  Its not looking like I will use it for
at least another 3 months with me being on a bit of an American pale ale and
psudopilsner binge, but I would like to keep that yeast as I will get back to
English beers at some point.

Would it be sensible to make up a starter and put the 1968 in it and let it
ferment out then put the yeast back into storage.  Would that re-set the
clock to zero?  How often would I do this to maintain some life in the yeast? 
3 monthly? 6 monthly?  or would it make more sense to just leave the yeast
alone and see if it’s viable when the time comes that I want to use it. 
Not exactly high stakes since I can get new yeast for $18.

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Heres a good link that James sent me about storing yeast.

I was in exactly the same position last year with some 1056. I opted for the "leave it untill you're ready to brew with it and see how the starter comes out" approach and it was fine. 6 months after washing and stored in the fridge the whole time.

Also, $18 is nothing compared to the pain of tipping a batch due to dodgy yeast. If I don't trust the yeast I don't use it. I always taste my starters and make a decision from there.
+1 for everything Mr Cherry said, ive actually got some 1469 which I just washed and stored in the fridge about 9-12 months ago and im planning on trying to ressurect that in the next month or so... Its still got some lighter coloured areas so hopefully ill get some activity...
Goodness that 1469 is a good yeast. Used it for a mild that was superb and wished I had kept some for future brews.
Goodness that 1469 is a good yeast

Agreed!! Its so good in alot of different beers IMO, I made a 500ml starter yesterday and still no activity this morning, but im hoping itll kick to life over the next 24 hours, I just found a second bottle of trub so ive added that to it as well, I should get some living cells hopefully!
1469 is the Tim Taylor strain?
Sam Smiths
I've got some frozen if you need it :)

It is supposed to be the TTL strain.
I've got a frozen vial of Galbraith's Bob Hudson strain. Which is supposed to be the TTL strain, I think Keith said he got it from TTL or something ages ago.

Wonder how similar they are? Probably mutated a bit by now.
Probably a bit different by now, but sounds like there's a good experiment there.
I've got some frozen if you need it :)

Cheers mate, will def be in touch if this starter doesnt fire ;o)
What Mr Cherry said.

If it's going to be aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages before you brew with it I'd look at making a starter with it and freezing some - lots of links in the library on that


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